How to implement Orbit Camera Tween Action?

I’m still looking for solution to flip a node as part of Tween sequence.

There was a partial solution suggested here:

The solution with negative scale is simple but the resulting animation is not that great.
I used to flip the coin with Orbit Camera and the animation result was far better.

If I want to implement the orbit camera, is there a simple step by step suggestion how to do so? If I add camera component to the node (2d scene), how do I use it? Can I set the eye location just like it was done in old JS solution: cocos2d-html5/CCActionCamera.js at bd519eeca93c0237e531d5b7a9246f30c4f29291 · cocos2d/cocos2d-html5 · GitHub
I guess the camera attached to that old JS node was different that this new one. The new camera has no “eye” property.

It’s also kinda generic question: “How do we work with cameras in 2d world”?
How do I make a node to render as it would be seen from given camera?

The orbit camera relies on 3d transform of the 2D Node, unfortunately, the UI batcher only stores vec2 position to the vertex buffer, the z position haven’t been stored, so it’s not possible to have the flip effect you want. But we will add back z position in v3.5.1, then you will be able to do the animation with an euler angles animation.

The 2d camera and 3d camera is just using different projection, the control of the camera have no difference, it will affect the view port for everything the camera captures. The confusion here is OrbitCameraAction is only related to one node, which seems convenient but very hard to understand if you do have a camera in your scene.

In the current design, camera is the only thing controls the viewport, if you need a camera to affect control one object, then you need to use a single layer for the node and change the camera visibility to see that layer.

A few days passed by and we have the 3.7 version available now. Could you point me out briefly how would I implement the flip using the Z coordinate? Using OrbitCamera has been simple. Just set the radius and angleZ and all was done. Now, do I have to calculate the orbit path myself or is there a component/trick which does it for me?