[FINAL!] All in one Cocos2d-x&JS v3.7 is released

look at SDKBox. there is a release schedulled this week which will bring Facebook SDK integration

Thanks, it helped to execute that command, but seems that SDKBOX in this case damaging Applicatiom.mk in JNI folder, there is change log from GIT
(SDKBOX removing if statement if it is debug or release build and also adding android api 9 parameter I think it should be 19 not 9)

-ifeq ($(NDK_DEBUG),1)
-  APP_OPTIM := debug
-  APP_OPTIM := release
+APP_OPTIM := debug
+APP_OPTIM := release
+APP_PLATFORM := android-9

How does one go about using the Cocos Framework project to build a custom framework, and how to go about adding it to Cocos studio? Do I do this where I extract the cocos3.7 zip? or in a folder created by cocos new? If I add my own sprite to the framework, will it appear in Cocos Studio? This seems like it has a lot of potential but I just don’t know where to start.

hi gOzaru! I’m need to build on wp8.1. please show me how to do that if you know, thanks a lot!

@farproc Temporary documentation for building customized Cocos Framework:

just create the project as usual using command prompt.
cocos new -p com.org.test -l cpp ProjectName D:\Projects
After done check win8.1 universal folder.
Open Projectname.sln and start codiing.
You need Windows 8.1 developer license (USD 19) to run emulator windows phone 8.1
Pay using credit card.
Download VS2013 Community Edition, it is free.

In VS2013, classes folder is located in ProjectName.Shared
You have to create new file there (cpp or library),
but when you have to save the file, put it in ProjectName\Classes.

Set startup project to Windows Phone 8.1 if you want to debug for Lumia.

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I found that the command ‘cocos new’ would never copy any new folders/files in the COCOS2DX_ROOT folder to new projects, Is there any way to achieve that?

Thank for your answer! I have try that but some error occurred:

  • error C3861: ‘CreateThread’: identifier not found
  • error C3861: ‘SetThreadPriority’: identifier not found
  • LNK 1181: can’t not open input file: ‘D:\project\framworks\runtime-src\proj.win8.1-universal\Debug\libbullet.WindowsPhone\libbullet.WindowsPhone.lib’.
    I’m searched on google but don’t have solution to solve. hope anyone who know help me!
    Thank gOzaru!

every time you get error, you have to post cocos2d-x version in forum.

Hey I’m completely new and I installed Cocos 2.3.1 and Cocos Framework 3.7 however after following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjp_6ukLFwI

After generating the project, inside the frameworks -> runtime-src there were only the following folders:


There was no WP8 or Windows Universal folder like in the previous video. What am I missing? Or is win32 now sinonimous to WP8 and Universal?

No there are not,They for some reasons don’t ship pre-built WP8 and Windows Universal Apps libraries. For that you would have to use source code version unlike prebuilt version.

Is the UI file format (.json or .csb) generated by newest CocoStudio (Currently 2.3.1) compatible with GUIReader from cocos2d-x framework 3.6/3.7?

Hi @pandamicro,

In this version v3.7, Basic Shader Test - Retro Effect cause a crash. It seems shader source is invalid, pls check it again

I known that. I should use CSLoader instead of GUIReader! :wink:

Thank you for that, grabbed the source and the export for universal and WP8 was there :smile:

xcode 7 beta 3 doesn’t compile

/Users/meiryanovich/Documents/cocos2d-x/cocos2d-x-3.7/cocos/platform/ios/CCGLViewImpl-ios.h:64:11: 'getContentScaleFactor' overrides a member function but is not marked 'override'

/Users/meiryanovich/Documents/cocos2d-x/cocos2d-x-3.7/cocos/platform/ios/CCGLViewImpl-ios.h:67:10: 'isRetinaDisplay' overrides a member function but is not marked 'override'

/Users/meiryanovich/Documents/cocos2d-x/cocos2d-x-3.7/cocos/platform/ios/CCGLViewImpl-ios.h:70:11: 'getEAGLView' overrides a member function but is not marked 'override'

/Users/meiryanovich/Documents/cocos2d-x/cocos2d-x-3.7/cocos/3d/CCSkybox.h:86:18: 'init' overrides a member function but is not marked 'override'

i can in see in the GitHub repository that you have some fix about the xcode 7
do you plan to update the download zip ?

Thanks for this. It has been very helpful. Any further tutorials or examples would be greatly appreciated.

You should update cocos2dx_files.json using tools/travis-scripts/generate-cocosfiles.sh, after you track your files in git

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Win 8.1 universal and Win 10 universal deployment are not yet supported in cocos. You need to create a project with cocos new instead of using cocos launcher

They should be, if not please submit an issue on our issue tracker