Cocos2d-x 3.0 Online Party

Hi welcome to our first Forum Online Party!
Let out your Cocos related questions(tech or non-tech), advice, expectation, complaints… all here! Core members of the Cocos team will be answering!
(The event officially starts at 10:00am UTC8 but feel free to leave a message in advance if you arrive earlier.)


Social integration would be great as most games have social features.

  • Connect to twitter/facebook/Google+
  • Post to twitter/facebook/Google+

We would like it to look something like this:
SocialNetwork::PostToFacebook(“Message to post”);

It needs to be simple to implement and Cocos2d-x handles all the connections depending on the platform.

This is a feature that will help Cocos2d-x beat Unity.


Easier way to access native UI components. Webview is one as Webviews are common in a lot of games now. Something like Utils::openWebview(“”); would be good

Need Post Effects!

I have to agree. Social integration is complicated to say the least. There are some tutorials out there, but it would be the best for cocos to have it integrated, at least for Android and iOS. It would really help developers focus in the game itself, rather than in making the game connect to Facebook (or buying an external plugin).

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In-App Purchase Integration

As of now to implement in app purchases it is a painful process considering it is the single biggest revenue generator for mobile applications and not even Unity has this feature nailed down.

If there was a simple way to purchase items like so:
Monetization::Purchase(keyID); // returns a bool to indicate if the purchase was successful

It needs to be simple to implement and Cocos2d-x handles all the connections depending on the platform.

This is a feature that will help Cocos2d-x beat Unity.


Better way to save data than ccuserdefaults which is quite primitive

Shameless plug, my company implemented Apple’s NSCoding where you save arrays and other data structures easily(into a json file) using C++ and Cocos2d-x

You can give localStorage a spin, its a port of Javascript’s localStorage

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cocos2d-x is awesome! I’d like to see the following added or improved:

  • 3D parallaxing for 2D scenes with setPositionZ() - this seems to be buggy and objects seem to disappear when nearing the edge of the screen
  • Gamepad support for PC/Mac/Linux - Here’s a patch I created to get things going:
  • Marketing / Promotion support - The cocos2d-x community is pretty big. It would be awesome if we could help each other out with getting more visibility for our games.



Simple Ad Platform Integration

It would be amazing if Ad platforms were integrated such as Revmob, iAds, Chartboost, Google Ads etc. With a settings file that allows the developer to simply add the different keys/ID’s for the various ad platforms they want to use. They could also set priorities for the different ad platforms so if for example iAds isn’t available Revmob is used etc.

It needs to be simple to use like this:

It needs to be simple to implement and Cocos2d-x handles all the connections depending on the platform.

This is a feature that will help Cocos2d-x beat Unity.


• What are your future plans for cocos2d-x?
• Will cocos2d-x affected by the new apple programming language swift?
• When are you planning to support the latest spritebuilder?
• Can box2d still be use without any conflicts?

• naming for convertToNodeSpace change to convertToLocalSpace
• selectors with multiple parameter
• easy function that create animations by getting a texture atlas or spritesheet(no need to loop each sprite)
• create multiple project on specific path without disconnecting the default references to make the stand-alone library much easier.
• much easier shader attachment to sprite,blending it to textures.(like [sprite addShader])
• Textured Line(not ccmotion streak with fade)
• sprite/object pool helper class
• MVC editor
• official support for super-animation
• have better tutorial for each changes in gl functions(at some point it’s getting harder to upgrade old gl functions).
• auto glue of menu items to the function name from cocosbuilder rather than calling it by code.
• easy 3d renderer if possible :smiling_imp:
• Black cocos2dx t-shirt medium size :smile:

Console Support

With the next generation of consoles just released it would be cool if Cocos2d-x was even more cross platform with those systems, I know it is something that would take a long time to implement but would be awesome as Unity does it as well. At the very least PS Vita support is key to staying relevant in this fast moving industry.

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We are refactoring the Plugin-x, and Facebook will be integrated in

Multiplayer Social Gaming

Games nowadays incorporate social gaming in the form of Game Center and Google Play Games, this is extremely difficult to implement, it needs to be simplified and a core Cocos2d-x feature.

Thats because 2D culling is in effect, to disable 2D culling, go to sprite’s draw function, and remove the if check


Thanks for the PR, I’ll ping minggo to review it

For cocos 3D. Is there plans for better integration with Blender3D?

You mean some server side implementation ?

Is this only for Cocos2d-JS only, or Cocos2d-x too ?

Thanks for the tip on _insideBounds - I’ll take a look.

Hi cocos2dx Team & everyone :smile:
Is there any Dialog management ? It’s very hard to control touch event & priority between each layer.
