Reliable source of learning

Continuing the discussion from Cocos2d-x 3.0 Online Party:

Learning to code is cocos2d-x is a bit hectic.
Although it provides an ever expanding wiki and online api for learning.
But it lacks in the use of those code.

Like we learn c programming say from books, having them explained in detail.
it gives a general idea how to use it.
However it is lacking in cocos2d-x
So, are there any realiable source to learn ?
any book or better way to use the wiki and online api for learning. ?

Dude, you must be joking. Seriously, have you even looked it up?
There are so many resources out there.

Start with the documents here, just read through them.
User submitted tutorials about various topics are here.

If you are new to the materia, check the basics of c++ first.
Code maybe a small console program for starters.
And please use search engines, they are actually helpful.

You will find lots of books and other reliable resources.
Cocos is not that complicated. :smiley:

Good luck!


I respect your answer but I too felt exactly the same problem. There are lot of detailed resources for cocos2d but not for cocos2d-x.
I feel that for every API there must be a example code corresponding to them. Also, most of the APIs don’t have explanation/detailed explanation.

But whatever it be, I’ll stick to cocos2d-x :smiley: :smiley:

I’m not saying I agree with this, but having been coding for 20+ years now, undocumented API’s are really normal :slight_smile: That is one of the things that sets apart a programmer from an exceptional programmer. Deciphering API docs is a skill that takes time and once you figure out how your growth starts taking leaps and bounds.

That being said, Cocos2d-x API docs aren’t great but at least there are API docs generated with every release and they get improved each release too. We know we can do better here.

One of my projects which I can’t talk about right now is surely going to make you guys smile :slight_smile: No hints!

Ok… i will be waiting for the smile @slackmoehrle

also thanks everyone for reply… :smile:

I agree what you’ve said.

and i’ve been through these to get info, trust me.

But you must have heard, a picture says a thousand words and a video speaks a thousand pictures.

You guys are experienced in developing games using cocos2d-x right?
so why not let hand to the begineers ?

Make video tutorials in the free time.
It would really help getting clear and details idea with little effort. :smile:

I really appreciate the effort made by @SonarSystems
you guys make it too…

I think that you will find that most people will lend a helping hand when they can. There is of course a balance. If we all spent every spare second helping folks that are new then we don’t make progress on our own games, get better. Just because we know, doesn’t mean we don’t need to learn and refine ourselves :slight_smile: I don’t think that you can ever be to good and that one always have things to learn.


We have tutorials on YouTube for Cocos2d-x and other programming aswell.

We have also written a book for Cocos2d-x C++ V3 which is due for release September/October.

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Though great programmers can figure it out we believe it isn’t a valid excuse for lack of documentation which is kept upto date.

We are making tutorials but we are busy with other tutorials so it won’t be done for a while.

@SonarSystems - I did say that our documentation isn’t the best out there :slight_smile: But we are actively working on improving it. I’m sending you a private message too.

@SonarSystems Greetings there! I’ve seen you uploaded tons of new C++ stuff on your channel since we last spoke here. Good work! +100500

@pabitrapadhy There are some additional resources for learning, that might be helpful:
(1) Ray Wenderlich (Universal App and basic concepts)
(2) This book here is very good. Its outdated now (V2.2.2) but still to get the basic concepts you might want to check it out.



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As the matter of fact, the cpp-test, lua-test, js-test is the sample code of using +90% API.
Those test cases are samples actually, not serious unit tests. So you can learn how to use cocos2d-x API from the tests

Thank you very much @walzer I will try those… :smile:

Oh… yes yes… :smile:

I know, i’ve been learning from you all the cocos2d-x tutorials… :smile:
and i often mail you. I am the same guy… :smile:

I appreciate your work and i follow your tutorials to develop… :smile:

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