[cocostudio] sprite's bone has a big gap between others

Everything’s ok in cocostudio, but when loading in cocos2d-x, there are big gaps between part of bones, other have the same problem like me. You can refer to this topic for more details:


p/s: sorry for posting in wrong forum, but actually because i encounter some weird bug (read the 3rd post), i dont know if this is cocostudio bug or cocos2d-x bug. Besides, i feel like cocostudio forum branch was inactive for a long time, so i dont think i will get answers from their.

Maybe you have do this thing :
if (screenSize.height > 320)
So your program will find the images in the hd folder when your screen is big than 320.

You need to put 2x scaled images in the hd folder.


Hi jyinkailej, could you take a look at my post here ? - it is on the same topic but different perspective…


  • I Have posted that error…so i have solved that… If i remember, the main problem is that i have exported sd version from cocostudio and in appDelegate i have lloaded hd resolution without hd resources, so, sd was loaded…you need to export armature without scale factor, leave it 1.0(for hd and for sd), but in appDelegate you need to configure searchPaths, and you need to have all resources (hd, sd, etc…) That will solve yours problem

Hi nbtthief, did you finally get a solution to this, especially for android where there are many screen sizes? please see my similar issue here

sorry, because my project dont need bone animation (i’ve just used it to understand how to use cocostudio). I didn’t use cocostudio since 1.3 so i can’t give you a proper answer.

But as @mrjones stated above, the problem is setContentScaleFactor. If you dont want to get the problem, you have 2 options: 1) should prepare resources for the armature for any scale factor you set. 2) you must set scale your armature manually (not sure if it work perfectly) you can use it with Director::getContentScaleFactor

@mrjones, thanks for your concerning, IMHO, i think it a bug, because when we setContentScaleFactor the engine scale the bones, that’s why we get the gaps between our resources, but forget to scale the textures attached to it. Because i’m still a novice, so i’m not sure what i noticed is right, is this really a bug or is this my flaw? But i think i will create an issue and let them consider about it :smiley:

I think that is not a bug, you just need to have resources in all folders (sd, hd, iphone, whatever) and everything is going to be ok :smile: Because i have solved that problem:)

@mrjones - does that mean we have to have resources for every single screensize that exists? that is the problem that we have.

Yes you need to have resources for every screen size :smile:
