Cocos Studio 2 Feedback

I’m experiencing a possible bug with Cocos Studio: When I try to publish my Cocos Studio scenes and contents to Xcode…nothing happens. No errors, no hang up. It opens Xcode, creates the project, but it doesn’t publish any of the content I’ve designed in Cocos Studio. Is somebody experiencing the same issue? (Or does somebody know why this is happening to me?)
Thx guys.

PS_ I use Cocos Studio 2.02 and Cocos 2d-x 3.3 + xcode 6.1

How can I achieve flexible size of root node(Panel) in cocostudio 2.0.2, like Adaptive Resoultion in cocostudio 1.6?

and I could not find ListView

I can’t use Relative percentage of parent container :frowning:

I want to use relative position and size, too.

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I saw ‘Custom Class’ field in V2.0.5 , that very helpful for me . i think if have ‘Custom Fields’ feature even better .

thanks for the great work…

so I have an issue and I wonder - am I the only one with this issue -> when I add an armature created with cocostudio into my scene, it looks fine as long as content scale factor is == 1

once content scale factor changes (especially on android where there are very many screen sizes so scale factor wont be just 1 or 2 or 1.5) the armature looks like its exploded or broken up - but if you do something like this:


it works perfectly, its only when it is scaled via the global contentScaleFactor that it looks broken up, almost as if the images of the armature are no longer scaled, or only distance between the sprites that make up the armature are scaled.

after doing some research I see this in the code for Director:

…To achieve this, we need to ignore ‘contentScaleFactor’ in ‘AtlasNode’ and ‘LabelAtlas’. So I added a new method called ‘setIgnoreContentScaleFactor’ for ‘AtlasNode’, …

so I propose two solutions:

  1. find a way to apply a “setIgnoreContentScaleFactor” to the whole armature and its children - and then let developer apply scale to armature manually, because that works
  2. make sure all sprites of armature are scaled according to contentScaleFactor - and let developer ensure that scaling is done downwards so that it does not look pixelated in the end, i.e let developer be responsible for scaling from big size -> smaller size

see here for another user with the same issue

You guys have completely confused me with this editor.
There were multiple versions released in a last few months which had no real backward compatibility.
At this moment v2.0.5 is available for downloading which is declared as stable version, not beta.
But no armature animation can be found, no animations list is available, no animation curves and other features that were available earlier.
The samples contain some strange nodes which are not available in ‘Controls Browser’ (Layer File node or CSD-file node).
Moreover there are the different versions of documentation which always contains only partial and obsolete information and different versions of home pages.
Unfortunatelly the pro-developers (not beginners) really can not rely on CocosStudio because all of these.
At this moment your primary goal should be getting rid of this mess in “naming, versioning and placement of your software”.

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[v2.0.5][Cocos2d-x 3.3]
I can’t use Relative percentage of parent container

(sorry, I know this is the wrong place to ask, but I get an error (403 Forbidden) when I try to create a new topic)

help plz, I can’t create a new project (get an error message) from the command line.

I have been trying to create a new c++ project, for 2 days now.

First I open the CMD.
Then I go to the cocos2d-x folder.
Then I enter this line: new Title -p com.companyname.Title -1 cpp

this gives me an error, saying :

cocos new: error: argument -1/–language is required

don’t know why this is happens.

I have the “Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2013” installed.
Python 2.7 is installed.
I have run the file, got all the right paths working.
Finally I tried to run the ’ cocos2d-win32.vc2012.sln ’ file from VS-2013 and all worked as it should.

I still get the error.

I’m using Windows 8.1

Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

@ziegler It should be l (lowercase L) for language not the number 1:
cocos new Title -p com.companyname.Title -l cpp

Hope that helps.

OMG, thank you.
that was the problem, I feel so stupid now.

I’m happy that I got help to solve this problem, if I didn’t, I would had dropped this engine all together.

thank you again.

Only #include "ui/UIWidget.h" is needed, as it declares cocos2d::ui::Widget. include "cocostudio/CocoStudio.h" will include a lot of headers(including ui/UIWidget.h), which are not needed and just adds bloat.

Hi, I have some feedback for Cocos Studio 2 Mac

  • because of strong file cache, editing from other editor .csd file is not reflected the change.
  • although delete a file from finder, the reference in Cocos Studio does not work well.
  • need more keyboard shortcut
    • in Animation Frame Navigation
      • add frame, delete frame
      • display on/off
    • properties
      • sprite disable, enable
  • label properties are few
  • creating new file, after typing file name, then choose Layer/Node, then the file name will be deleted
  • turn on automatic frame recording as default flag in setting
  • in new Layer, although the layer background color is truely transparent, but the it displays black
  • change it white and gray backgrond like photoshop
  • in publish, no need all files as .csb . what i need is updated .csd files publish. it’ll be more fast publish
  • keep the position when a node/layer is moved from other level in Animation window
  • need easy rename
  • can set animation play speed as debug
  • can read when the node/layer is locked (unwritable is good, but no need to be unreadable element)
  • click proper blue line and proper selection in Animation window
  • can set FiniteTimeAction like MoveTo, JumpTo, also Easing
  • font files sometimes cannot read in .csd file

Why rootNode return NULL?

  auto rootNode = CSLoader::createNode("MainScene.csb");

if (rootNode)

	auto closeItem = static_cast<ui::Button*>(rootNode->getChildByName("Button_1"));
	closeItem->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_1(HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback, this));

Make sure to double check MainScene.csb’s path, and use addSearchPath function to add the path.

I have checked Cocos Studio and have two questions:

  1. Layouts such a horizontal, vertical and relative are not implemented yet? I can place a Panel, which in old Studio was the same as the Layouts, but I cannot control its layout type and children positions in it.

  2. I can’t move the canvas to see the examples in Samples. I can just zoom in/out. Shouldn’t be there a hand tool that moves the canvas or at least scrollers in .csd view.


I added sprite in same folder and loaded it in scene without problem. But “rootNode” return NULL. And I don’t know, how use addSearchPath
… I fix it! Cocos Studio 2.0.6 + Cocos2D-X 3.3 = OK

How can I browse the hierarchy in the nodes as in the older versions of cocosstudio 1.6?

I’m new to cocos2d-x and cocosstudio, I cannot find any example on how to implement animations, so I currently working like this to hear the events

timeline->setFrameEventCallFunc(CC_CALLBACK_1(Logo::onFrameEvent, this));

and this to handle

void Logo::onFrameEvent(Frame* pSender)

This works and is ok, but on cocosstudio I have a field called frame_event, and I prefer to use them instead of making a timeline for every event I want to handle, I assume there has to be a CC_CALLBACK_2, but not sure what would be the correct second param. Hope anyone can help me :smiley:

Please let me understand, previously we had a layout and set of animation. Animations have a name, we can play animations by name, number etc. But right now I see csd file and One timeline. How it supposed to be used? If I need 2 different animations for same element, how to?