can i manipulate the bone to do some action?

Hi everyone,

when we create a bone animation from cocostudio, we can create an armature to do animation. My question is can i get specified bone from that armature? i try using armature->getBone(name) or getBoneDic but it crash with bug relate to “no animation data”.

Assuming i got the bone, could i do some action with it like rotate, skew, or tint?

Hi, nbtthief.
To get a bone in Armature, please make sure you pass a right name.
You can find the example of how to get a bone in TestCpp->ArmatureTest->TestUseMutiplePicture.

@jyinkailej Thank you very much.

I figured out my problems. i forgot to add preload armature plist file code :stuck_out_tongue: .

If you have much about cocostudio and cocos2d-x, would you like to look into this problem, pls?

That’s is weird bug!