Cocos2d-JS Game Competition - INCOMPLETE Game

well our company are developing a R&D project with cocos2d js

What do you mean by R&D ?

Q: Name of the game.
A:We are tring to make a simple pureMVC framework using cocos2d js
Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.
A:It is just a framework so there is no SS so far
Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
A: we have reached 60% of our goal, but so far we wonder if it is a great idea to make this framework with js , what’s your opinion ?
Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
A:we have 2 teammembers.
Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
A:I think it should be released on all the platforms in the feature.
Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
A:at first, we choose v2.3, right now we have converted to v3.0 already
Q: What do you like about Cocos2d-JS(specific features preferred) and what not?
A: It is the first time we using Js to make games, So it is quite simple to learn,and the performace is quite ok both on android and web-broswer according to our test
Q: Anything else to tell Cocos2d-JS? (Optional but preferred)
A: Maybe it is Js issue, but it confused me a lot about the this pointer, it will be changed in the callback even if the calback is in the class internal, so I need to pass a parameter to tell the callback which pointer I need,Do you have any idea? 2nd is there any good idea on how to debug android app with cocosIDE?

So what makes you doubt about this solution ?

I don’t really understand what you are referring to, can you open another topic and post some sample code there ?

Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)A: we have reached 60% of our goal, but so far we wonder if it is a great idea to make this framework with js , what’s your opinion ?

I mean if it is useful to create a pureMVC framework,since js is a so smart and slight language.

" I don’t really understand what you are referring to, can you open another topic and post some sample code there ?"

ok, I will


Hey is there any specific time by which we have to submit the game?
I mean, we’ve different Time Zones!!
So, what is the exact time and time zone for the submission?


Q: Name of the game.
A: MooMooRun

Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.

Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
A: This game was created in two days after work. It is simple “runner” with lovely cow :wink: Graphics made by me and my girlfriend. (No, wa are not pro) Controls: arrow up and down;
The game idea was born couple month ago, but i wasn’t determined so much to start project. Now, when i have this version, full version is matter of time. I know, that propably not that type of Incomplete game was on yours mind, but come’on, look at this cow :smiley:

Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
A: Indie, 1 programmer and one “graphic” :wink:

Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
A: Web and GooglePlay in future.

Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
A: 3.0 Final

Q: What do you like about Cocos2d-JS(specific features preferred) and what not?
A: Merge multiplatform and java script language - even web developers, as me, can make mobile game. In cocos 3.0 “attr” method. I’m lovin’ it :smiley: I am coding in cocos for half year and for now i’m fully satisfied. I’m still discover it.

Q: Anything else to tell Cocos2d-JS? (Optional but preferred)
A: I thought about global data object only for programmer stuff. Something like where you can store your private game properties available anywhere in your code for example; = 5;; //return 5


Q: Name of the game.
A: Save the lobster

Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.
A: , the APK is available at

Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
A: It’s all about saving the lobster from being boiled in a pot.

Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
A: It’s an indie work, I’m currently working alone on the project.

Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
A: At the end, I’d like to release the game on appstore and googleplay. I’m already compiling the game for android for testing purpose.

Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
A: I’m working with 3.0 rc1

Q: What do you like about Cocos2d-JS (specific features preferred) and what not?
A: It’s Javascript ! I’m using angularjs all day long and it’s a pleasure to use a javascript library to create stuff. Moreover, cocos2d is a lib used (and recommended) by some of my colleagues on iOS, which is not my speciality.
Unfortunately I’m not familiar with game dev so I’m not able to talk about cocos’s specifics features. What I dislike is that it’s kind hard to find informations about the compilation from javascript to the android platform.

Q: Anything else to tell Cocos2d-JS? (Optional but preferred)
A: Please continue !

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Q: Name of the game.
A: Stolen Spirits

Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.
A: TestLink (DropBox public link) :

Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
An Old game with slightly different mad game play.
It is made for mobile so please scale down your browser window to a nearly about physics iPhone5 or so size,
or if you don’t want then just open chrome console with maximize chrome browser size. So, it will automatically scale down.
Use desktop browser only to play/text game otherwise it won’t appear completely on even iPhone5 or so screen size.

Also, player is controlled using mouse drag anywhere on the game screen. Obviously, touches are converted to mouse clicks automatically :smile:

This is my first cocos2d game made with JS in cocosIDE. This competition gave me motivation to learn the framework and complete this game. It took me alone around 60-70 hours to develop it myself while learning cocos2dJS APIs.
I earlier picked cocos2d-x but due to lack of example I couldn’t start. But now I’ve working cocos2dJS knowledge so I can now work with cocos2d-x …, which is really interesting for me…
LIMITED Time Game Play no So easy to WIN
Just scale down your browser so that you’ve appropriate screen size…
Tested on Windows Chrome Browser Version Version 37.0.2062.124 m
Works on Firefox also, but on chrome better

Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
Indie Work. I worked alone for entire development of this game.
Song Effects/Music Credits :

Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
Web and Google Play

Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
Used cocos2d JS- v3.0 Final

Q: What do you like about Cocos2d-JS(specific features preferred) and what not?
a) I couldn’t use windows runtime (cocosIDE) because, it was not showing any of my labels. The label in my game works fine in chrome window but don’t know why it does not appear when I press Win7 Runtime option in cocosIDE.

b) Over cocos2d-x, I liked the simplication of the few APIs in cocos2dJS which now looks more intuitive.

c) Documentation is a huge is a huge problem for which I guess, the community is already working hard.
Also, existing API reference is having some mistakes. Like it mentions to override init() of ctor() but @pandamicro suggested me in some post that I should not use init() for my own variables and initialization.
Also, in one API refernce it was written that I can use cc.DrawNodeWebGL() and cc.DrawNode() but @pandamicro suggested me not to use cc.DrawNodeWebGL() but in my this game it is working fine.
Anyways, either is not working in IE browser, so my game doesnot work in IE.

d) Prototyping of games can be done on cocos2dJS very fast.

e) I entirely used chrome browser console to debug my game… Is there any better way for cocos2dJS games.
Or I guess chrome browser is good for debugging cocosJS browser game

f) Also, while debugging there is some major problem with the errors like:
Consider this kind of error that I got in chrome browser:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_name’ of undefined CCNode.js : 1259

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_name’ of undefined CCNode.js:1259 CCNode.js:1259cc.Layer.extend.update GameScene.js:262 CCScheduler.js:353 CCDirector.js:220 CCDirector.js:869
callback CCBoot.js:2005

Tell me how am I suppose to know exactly what problem is there in my code by looking at this error.
Since this error is not showing my direct src file, it took me a while to figure out the problem.
Although this error give hints what are possible problem but it would be good if it was possible to debug line by line which I couldn’t do because my windows Runtime Debugging wasn’t showing labels and other things…

Q: Anything else to tell Cocos2d-JS? (Optional but preferred)

Yeah, a lot about cocos2dJS combination with cocosIDE…
You may see my latest FEEDBACK for cocosIDE at:

Apart from this,… cocosIDE made my development JS smooth and hope this tool is improved in future.

I hope for more game examples for cocos2dJS v3.0 so that it is easier to learn… Documentation, I hope will be improved.

Thanks :smile:

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Working on it :wink:

Yeah… I know… I also mentioned that community is already working hard on it :smiley:
You guys seriously Rocks!! :smile:
Thanks a lot

Q: Name of the game.
A: Złap je wszystkie! (in polish / english: Catch’em All!)

Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.


Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
A: This is a simple game about catch falling items. This is a version with “free preview” gameplay. Gameplay will be divided into levels and progress bar, f.e. for the first level you must catch 10 x food and there are only 2 types of super items etc. More type of items will be on higher levels. For this demo there are availble (without leveling):

  1. to catch: fish, silver coin
  2. to prevent: fish skeleton (taking life), mushroom (dizzy vision, you can try, it not takes life)
  3. super items: sandglass (slow motion), clocks (add time, different color = different time added), shield (hero mode for some time, also depends on shield value), heart (adds life or points if full lifebar),
    In full version:
    other items: tetris blocks (starts bonus level where items falls with organized way, wooden pack with question mark (random item)
    characters: not only cat but also dog, hamster etc.
    others: using touch to steer in mobile (to set in settings, now it’s only for tilt on mobile and keyboard for browser), local and global ranks, connecting with petsbury animal characters from mobile devices) so if you feed animal in mini game on mobile it gets food in Petsbury (*1 explanation in next sentence)
    This mini game is part of bigger project *1 (petsbury is currently cocos2d-html5 2.2.3 with future port to cocos2d-js) but also as a separate production.

Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
A: Company work, 2 persons: me as programmer, other person makes graphics

Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
A: AppStore, Google Play (additionally OS X, Windows) as separate mini game AND Web browser (but only as a part of Petsbury game)

Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
A: Cocos2d-JS Final

Q: What do you like about Cocos2d-JS(specific features preferred) and what not?
A: For the Cocos2d-JS advantages: one code to rule them all
For disadventages: you must test on all platforms because sometimes it works in HTML5 but not in Cocos2d-X

Q: Anything else to tell Cocos2d-JS? (Optional but preferred)
A: Great platform for making games on mobile devices but for OSX is it possible to run game in full screen because ResolutionPolicy and resize doesn’t work = only window mode for OSX?

Q: Name of the game.
A: Mate VS Cafe: The Quest for the Golden Thermos
Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.
Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
A: It’s a Turn-Based-Strategy game about anthropomorphic beverages trying to take over a post-apocaliptic world
Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
A: University prototype. Two people, one developer and one planner.
Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
A: It will be coming soon to Appstore, Google Play and GameJolt, possibly other HTML5 game portals as well.
Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
A: v2.3

Q: Name of the game.
A: Laberinto
Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.
Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
A: Puzzle game about exiting a tower maze, direction mapping of the input buttons change to add difficulty, other features may be implemented.
Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
A: “One Game a Month” game jam entry, will be expanded into a full game soon.
Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
A: It will be coming soon to Appstore, Google Play and GameJolt, possibly other HTML5 game portals as well.
Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
A: v2.3

Q: Name of the game.
A: Paranoia
Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.
Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
A: Visual Novel with some Graphic Adventure elements added, centered around the story of someone infected with a misterious disease in a dystopic society.
Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
A: “Game Work Jam” game jam entry, will be expanded into a full game soon.
Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
A: It will be coming soon to Appstore, Google Play and GameJolt, possibly other HTML5 game portals as well.
Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
A: v3.0

Q: Name of the game.
A: Titos
Q: Screenshots of the game and test link of the game.
Q: What do you want to tell us about the game? (Optional but preferred)
A: Physics-based art-game inspired as a metaphor about a conficting romantic relationship.
Q: Was it an indie work or a company work? How many of you were in this project?
A: “Game Work Jam” game jam entry, will be expanded into a full game soon.
Q: Which platform would the game be released on (AppStore, Google Play, etc.)?
A: It will be coming soon to Appstore, Google Play and GameJolt, possibly other HTML5 game portals as well.
Q: What version of Cocos2d-JS were you using?
A: v3.0

Q: What do you like about Cocos2d-JS(specific features preferred) and what not?
A: Like: great for quick prototyping (once you’ve mastered it a bit). Dislike: difficult learning curve; difference between branches of the project are unclear to newcomers; outdated or conflicting information spread out all around the internet.
Q: Anything else to tell Cocos2d-JS? (Optional but preferred)
A: I think (all?) the tests should be refactored for greater simplicity and easyness of use for learning purposes. Most tests include too much boilerplate code and/or are clumped in .js files that are too long, so they fail the purpose of serving as good samples ready to be used by people with little or no experience with the engine.
Also, some bug reports and feature requests by the community, either in the issue tracker or in forum posts sometimes go by for too long without feedback (for example, the ability to use vectorial .svg files and the improvement of the drawing API with guarantee of success in cross-platform).
I really like this engine, I’ve chosen to use a little more than a year ago and I don’t regret the decision, I think it’ll keep on growing and evolving and I like being a part of it (tho I wish I could help more).

Hi ZippoLag,
I don’t understand gameplay of Titos. Could You explain some more how to play ? Additionally Paranoia and Mate VS Cafe doesn’t work :frowning:

Hehe, even I didn’t. I was keep on playing on this game to understand exactly what is it :smiley:
But something he mentioned as

So probably pink one is girl and blue is boy :smiley:

Hi, Titos still needs a lot of polish, but basically: your aim is to keep the two squares as close as possible within the green circle for as long as you can. Outside the green circle, clashing is bad. If one square enters the balck area it will float away and remain unreachable.

With Paranoia, there was a problem in the server, it should be working now :smile: (tho’ I’ve just realized it’s a bit of a broken build anyway, I’ll compile and upload amore playable one as soon as I can!)

And Mate VS Cafe, engine files seem to be missing! Very strange, I’ll re-upload when I get home tonight, sorry!

Hehe, it’s something along those lines. The game idea stems from a friend’s thoughts about a relationship he had, so it’s kind of an “art game”. It’s still very experimental and unpolished, but we should have a truly playable build in 1~2 weeks ^^. We are aiming to make the game understandable without any text explanations or explicit tutorial, hopefully we’ll manage to accomplish it!