
Here are few problem that I faced in cocosIDE rc2.

  1. Auto complete is not so advance. It cannot detect something.something. SOMETHING

var s=event.getCurrentTarget().myVaribaleName;
Now, s dot doesnot show me auto complete suggestions which I can get using this.myVaribaleName.

  1. Sometimes, when modifying and saving some src file and refreshing the chrome window doesnot upload the modified file, due to which I have to delete the cache and refresh that chrome window again.

  2. One click publishing is there for iOS, Mac, Android, Win but why not there is for browser.
    I mean, although it is easy to execute the publish command but why can’t it be added to one-Click publish for browser too.

  3. When I have 2 projects in the workspace, and after running one in the browser, I run the second project in the browser, then on pressing Run In Browser option, it launches the python console but the game opened is the previous one only because cache is not deleted automatically.
    So, I’ve to manually remove the cache of the previous game and the refresh this window again to upload the resources of this

  4. No Auto save options, so when my computer shutdowns unexpectedly, it corrupts my file my file if it is not saved

Thanks :smiley:

  1. You can tell IDE what the type of var like:

    *@type {cc.director}
    var s=event.getCurrentTarget().myVaribaleName;

  2. We haven’t done nothing for Chrome, this is due to the browser’s caching implementation

  3. We will add publish for web in future, you can use cocos console instead for this function

  4. Reference to item 2

  5. I have no idea for Live Coding and Auto save, may be fixing unexpected shutdown bugs is the right way.

Hi @honghui_zhang
Thanks for your replies

For your 1st suggestion, I am bad at this thing so can you please elaborate a little bit more.
suppose my myVariablesName has a list of properties defined in it like


Then shall I be doing

*@type {cc.director}

before every usage of it like the one in, var s=event.getCurrentTarget().myVaribaleName;
Also, why is the type cc.director?

Also by your 5th point, hope it is clear that IDE doesnot has unexpected shutdown bugs… It was just my laptop’s fan problem and not IDE’s :smiley: which is now fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

I took cc.director as a example, replace it by your own type when declare the variable(You should know the type of the variable, right?).

And, if you can send the crash log to me(, it would make the bug fixing easier.It would be placed at workspace/.metadata/.log.

Hey thanks for that.
Also I am sending my log report. But before this I am just conveying again. It didn’t crash due to cocosIDE. It was just my laptop’s fault. Overheated due to fan dust. So, only thing I was asking if possible can we have auto save options so that if any file by chance is not saved then atleast its old contents are not lost when the cocosIDE ever closes/crashes/ or unexpectedly terminates due to other problems like the one I was having of overheated laptop unexpectedly shutdowns.

THanks :smile:
All the Best… Oh Yeah… CocosIDE is gonna be the best tool for cocos2DJS :smiley: (54.4 KB)