Cocos Creator RoadMap - UPDATED thru 11/2016

Nice, looking forward for the 2016.9 update then.
Also, if Creator does not initiate a “There is a new update” message then maybe there should be an option in the menu to “Check for update”.

Just a suggestion for the engineering team.

The auto-update is broken, I think, I see the engineering team discussing it in our internal chat. Updating from 1.0.3 to 1.1 should have happened automatically. I apologize that it did not and forced a manual update.

No worries, that is not a big deal. I think it is more important to know how to update the Cocos engine version.

Updating Creator version can be as easy as downloading the newest version and replacing it but what are the steps to update from Cocos v3.10 to v3.11 and point your project in Creator to the new version?

I don’t know these steps, honestly, for Creator. I am sure it is different than updating Cocos2d-x.

Let us ask @pandamicro and @nantas2


@pandamicro @nantas2 I know that you download the latest Cocos version and run the setup to install it but then what do you do in Creator to change from v3.10 to v3.11?


So, we would be having this atlas data management. Can you please tell what exactly is that?
I mean, is it like having individual images and packing them into textures or something?
Also, it would have been of a great feature if we’ve sprite sheet and we can drag and drop individual sprites directly from that piece of sprite/atlas sheet and we don’t have an individual image to drag and drop in case it’s already present in the atlas sheet.

I was trying out Composer GUI of coronaSDK, where I can drag and drop from assets and place them on the scene. But SADLY, I can’t pack those images in one sprite/atlast sheet now because engine won’t know about that that if I pack that image into atlast sheet and remove that individual image from my asset folder, which image I dragged dropped in the scene because now it’s inside atlast sheet and not individual image. So, all the images, I used to create the scene by drag and drop, I couldn’t pack them in my atlas sheet.

Hope, you’re getting what I wish to say…

No c++ support on the roadmap :frowning: ?


It is in the works, this I can promise you.

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Export scene data to cocos2d-x Lua project


Can you please be more detail regarding above, does this mean, I can set up in a scene using components without any code, then export this, and use Lua as the scripting language to finish project and compile? Or will LUA be integrated like Javascript within the confines of the editor? Thanks and God Bless…



Hey @slackmoehrle

Plz look at this post…

I am not sure. Let us ask @pandamicro and @nantas2

I am not sure entirely what it is. Let us ask @pandamicro and @nantas2

If this means that you could export a scene that doesn’t contain any code to a format like the ones that Cocos Studio creates, and use the resulted assets into a classic cocos2d-x project, than that’s great… but then, why only LUA? Why not js and c++ too? I mean, the parsers already exist(if they will maintain the current csb and json structure, of course).

I saw after the last update, that the way a tiledmap component is used has changed a bit, are there plans to implement the experimental tmx classes from c++? because I was looking for a solution to the DrawOrder Problem appearantly caused by CCBatchSprite which renders the tiledlayers in one batch ignoring the localzorder and vertexz values of a player added to the layer.

Or is there an approach available to solve the placement of an animated sprite that enables one to reorder the layers’ children?


Is in near future cocos2d-x development will stop and only cocos creator will only exist?

umm, no. Not going to happen.

And that’s why it would be great if we’ll be able to use Creator just as a scene editor for classic cocos2d-x projects.


Is possible to use the GAF extension in this version of Cocos Creator? Because I see that’s included in the folder structure but is not information about how to create a script that can use it. Don’t know how to include it on a script.

i didn’t see any mention of spriter competent although there is a spine competent already, i know for that there are many people who prefer to use spriter instead of spine, and i know that there is and implementation in JS. are you going to add this in the feature?

Any chance of moving the physics engine up sooner?