Cocos Creator RoadMap - UPDATED thru 11/2016

That’s a very good idea actually. It could be used to create a level selection menu instead of doing it manually.

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I admit we haven’t thought about it yet, but we strongly encourage anyone who is interested to develop a plugin and share it in the forum

I loaded up Cocos Creator and poked it with a stick. The first thing I took note of is that it only supports JavaScript, a language that I don’t much care for (and I’m not alone in this). However, TypeScript looks like it addresses many JavaScript shortcomings:

And notably, Google and Microsoft have collaborated with it:

Is there any interest by the Cocos Creator team in supporting TypeScript out of the box?

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I would actually recommend SWIFT as a default language, It’s the best language out there in my opinion and companies like Google & Facebook already considering using it.

Swift looks fine too. It’s just that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and translates to JavaScript. Given that Cocos Creator is already supporting JavaScript, it seems like adding TypeScript would be easier than many other languages.

I’d be happy to get either one.


TypeScript was used for the original cocos-html v4 project that is no longer in development. You should be able to use TypeScript for your game code on top of the javascript engine, though it may require a small amount of extra work outside “create new project” and ideally someone creates the .ts.d definitions file for function auto-complete. There may be extra work around using it, but if your game is large enough you’ll find benefits (or for small projects where you just want the sane equals, type checking, and future features, etc). Even if it’s never officially supported you should be able to just compile it down to use as a cocos creator plugin, game scripting logic (hybrid js/c++), or the entire game code.

Swift has been looked at and there was a small side project creating bindings for cocos2d (related forum topic), in the end though it’ll probably require a community bindings support until the community provides an auto-binding generator tool or workflow that the engine team could just “plug in” without effort. You can also see how the Cocos2d-Swfit project that was a hopeful in the space as a modernization of the cocos2d-iphone essentially failed to gain enough support to build out, unfortunately.

What could be interesting if the cocos2d (iphone/spritebuilder/etc) community decided to take up the cocos2d-x core and build the Swift bindings and support around the engine to essentially provide a potentially API compatible version and then slowly merge the two.

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In the road map for 2016.3 where you say ”…node process programming with simple html page”

Are you talking about some kind of visual scripting tool?

I’m asking because this days there are visual programing tools everywhere (Unreal Engine, Unity, CryEngine, etc.). I myself am trying to wrap my head around web components, Polymer and Electron, to see if I can pull that one off.

My package extension would be free and open source. It will be based in the FBP language used in Flowhub, with the MicroFlo runtime. In my case there is still a lot of work to to. That’s why I’d love to hear that you guys are working in something like that.

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Hey there i am confused there are cocos , cocos2d-x and now cocos creator
i downloaded cocos2d-x but wasn’t easy for me to work with.
i wants to know what shall i download cocos creator or cocos
i think one of them is like unity
but they differs in the language used to make games but still don’t know
anyway if you can help me i want to make the game using c++
and thanks in advance

hi there @slackmoehrle, @pandamicro

I would to put a feature request for cocos creator, as I have been using it form some time, I found that we cannot pass parameters when we set function callback on a button component of a node like in unity we do.

if this could be implemented I request that there is dire need of it.


Thank you for the feedback. Creator 1.0.2 is coming Monday. I don’t know that it adds this.

@nantas2 can you take a look at this request?

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Sorry creator haven’t support it yet, I will report this need to @owen

Biggest feature request would be to have simple collision detection in Cocos Creator please.

cocos creator and cocos installer will be aviable for Linux?

Currently, we don’t support Linux. Perhaps this will change in the future.

Vote for Typescript support


Vote for physics world first

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Here is the roadmap for the next few months:


  • Collider Component System
  • Import project resources from Cocos Studio / Cocos Builder
  • Visual Node Library
  • Engine customization workflow


  • Atlas data management
  • Export scene data to cocos2d-x Lua project


  • WebGL rendering and memory optimization
  • Modularize JavaScript engine to reduce web release package size
  • Package development: Scene editing / Customize Properties panel
  • Integrated JSB debugging environment
  • Graphic drawing API


  • RichText
  • UI Elements: PageView,Toggle,Slider
  • Package store
  • Package development: asset workflow


  • Physics engine
  • Visual animation state machine
    updated roadmap