Help test our new website (please...)

We are preparing to launch a new website. Can you help test the responsiveness?

If it is possible to disable cache before testing that would be helpful too.

  • it loads fast enough for me
  • it loads in 5 seconds or less
  • it loads in about 10 seconds
  • it loads between 10-15 seconds
  • it takes longer than 15 seconds

0 voters

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Nice web, congrats!
Tip: put a bit more style in testimonials box.

Wby title is in chineese? :open_mouth:

First time it loads about 5 seconds, then it’s much faster.

Well done!

The en cocos2d-x update history page is still chinese, not translate to english.

Thanks guys we are still flushing everything out :slight_smile:

Great page! Works fast.

Could you provide sources, data for:
“30% Global Market Share”?

I think in the Global Market Share section it is kind of misleading with the Nintendo logo. I know a few devs have ported their games to Nintendo using cocos2d-x, but if the engine isn’t officially supported I don’t think it should be on the site. If I was new to the engine, I might see that and think it was supported out of the box.

Also consider than Nintendo might use cocos2d-x for some games?

Let me see if anyone on my immediate team knows how the math worked.

1.8M developer “s”.

Opening the drawer plays an animation which looks weird (thats subjective) still the white overlay should be more transparent or you could use a blur.

Also Id like to see Ketchapp making a statement how cocos is rather than some chinese unknown company who probably produces some weird anime app.

The rest looks very good!

It is ok but please… change this default font :wink:


Hi. Good work. One question What is Sound Network?

I will see what details I can get about this. I only have limited knowledge about it.

great new web. please work on more game templates as well

almost everyone seems to think, myself included, it takes five seconds, that is good speed. The performance of the animated timeline is nice to see, it has no issues.

  • The global market share aims to iOS and Android games only. Perhaps we should write ‘global market share on mobile games’ to be more accurate.
  • Putting Nintendo logo here, because Nintendo is using cocos2d-x in their mobile game “Fire Emblem Heroes”, but not for their Switch platform.
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Thanks everyone for the feedback thus far. It really helps us out.

As Walzer pointed out, here is Fire Emblem Heros website.