YUYE'Tutorials(What kind of the tutorial do you want to learn and we'll make it for you)

hi yuye,
you have finished the fb sdk for cocos2d-x tutorial?


Hi yuye,

my programmer meet a problem,he don’t know JAVA, so for android game, he don’t know how to take a photo and save the photo. Do you have any related tutarial or artical to help us? Thanks a lot!

@hoohoo We finished the tutorials for facebook android 2.2.2. we are making tutorials for 3.x. you can see the first page of thistopic

may be you can reference
and JNI tutorial

@Eschmelax hi ,here is a game tutorial write by my friend

Hi, but that’s not what i requested before. :frowning:
I was talking about CCParallaxNode with Cocos2d-x-2.2.2.
For example infinite scrolling background.

This here, is just a setup for HTML5 project:

Thank you, lol.
But i am far beyond that point.
Besides i am coding in C++.

Something like:

        CCSprite* bg1 = CCSprite::create("bg/bg1.png");
	CCSprite* bg2 = CCSprite::create("bg/bg2.png");
	CCSprite* bg3 = CCSprite::create("bg/bg3.png");

        CCParallaxNode* paraNode = CCParallaxNode::create();
	paraNode->addChild(bg1, 1, ccp(0.5f, 0), ccp(0, winSize.height / 2));
	paraNode->addChild(bg2, 2, ccp(1.5f, 0), ccp(0, winSize.height / 10));
	paraNode->addChild(bg3, 3, ccp(2.0f, 0), ccp(0, winSize.height / 3));
	paraNode->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width, winSize.height / 5));
	this->addChild(paraNode, 0);

	CCMoveBy* move1 = CCMoveBy::create(10.0f, ccp(-winSize.width, 0));
	CCMoveBy* move2 = CCMoveBy::create(0.0f, ccp(winSize.width, 0));
	CCSequence* seq = (CCSequence*)CCSequence::create(move1, move2, NULL);
	CCRepeatForever* repeat = CCRepeatForever::create(seq);


But this creates a gap in the animation, how can this be fixed?
I can write a tutorial about CCParallaxNode and infinite scrolling in 2.2.2 (C++) once this is fixed.
Hope you can help.


@Eschmelax ok I memory it. thank you

hai yuye,

Can you please make tutorial on how to fully integrate Google Play Services? thanks

@GulperEeL google play it is a little difficult for me . because I can not validate all process with chinese credit card.

Hey Yuye, you have done a great job! I wonder if you can make a tutorial fro CocoStudio, the UI section. Thanks!

@ilana I think if u need their tutorials

  1. Learn cocostudio From basic to advanced.
    Build a Game with CocoStudio(Tutorial 1-3)

What is CocoStudio

Getting Started

Let’s Build a Parkour Game

Can you port cocostudio tutorials to window-based using c++?

it may help much;)

I would like to see tutorials regarding integration of FB,twitter,google game services ,multiplayer services etc in cocos2d-x c++ ios and android.
I will be thankful

What I would really like to see, and I think a lot of people with me,
is a minimal example of a game that features

  • Admob adds
  • Online leaderboard (Google Play)
  • In app purchasing

I think these are the 3 things everyone would like to have in their game,
and there’s no single tutorial that shows how to properly do these 3 things.
Sure, there are tutorials for each of them, but most of these tutorials are outdated, incomplete or simply incorrect.

Once these 3 things are solidly covered game-developers can focus on what they really want to do - create fun gameplay using Cocos2d-X.


good point!

you really noticed me

thank you very much

the link for tutorial #10 is broken.

We also have a C++ tutorial series alongside our JavaScript series at https://www.youtube.com/user/sonarsystemslimited

Thank you pls focus on c++ and continue as soon as possible

We are uploading videos on a daily basis. But if you have any questions and cannot wait feel free to message us at support@sonarsystems.co.uk.

Also any games you make, send us the link and we will tweet about and post on Facebook :D.

very impressive, appreciate