YUYE'Tutorials(What kind of the tutorial do you want to learn and we'll make it for you)

@Eschmelax ok I memory it. thank you

hai yuye,

Can you please make tutorial on how to fully integrate Google Play Services? thanks

@GulperEeL google play it is a little difficult for me . because I can not validate all process with chinese credit card.

Hey Yuye, you have done a great job! I wonder if you can make a tutorial fro CocoStudio, the UI section. Thanks!

@ilana I think if u need their tutorials

  1. Learn cocostudio From basic to advanced.
    Build a Game with CocoStudio(Tutorial 1-3)

What is CocoStudio

Getting Started

Let’s Build a Parkour Game

Can you port cocostudio tutorials to window-based using c++?

it may help much;)

I would like to see tutorials regarding integration of FB,twitter,google game services ,multiplayer services etc in cocos2d-x c++ ios and android.
I will be thankful

What I would really like to see, and I think a lot of people with me,
is a minimal example of a game that features

  • Admob adds
  • Online leaderboard (Google Play)
  • In app purchasing

I think these are the 3 things everyone would like to have in their game,
and there’s no single tutorial that shows how to properly do these 3 things.
Sure, there are tutorials for each of them, but most of these tutorials are outdated, incomplete or simply incorrect.

Once these 3 things are solidly covered game-developers can focus on what they really want to do - create fun gameplay using Cocos2d-X.


good point!

you really noticed me

thank you very much

the link for tutorial #10 is broken.

We also have a C++ tutorial series alongside our JavaScript series at https://www.youtube.com/user/sonarsystemslimited

Thank you pls focus on c++ and continue as soon as possible

We are uploading videos on a daily basis. But if you have any questions and cannot wait feel free to message us at support@sonarsystems.co.uk.

Also any games you make, send us the link and we will tweet about and post on Facebook :D.

very impressive, appreciate

@bunnyhero I’ll check it thank you

@SonarSystems good I’ll post it in this topic

Your WELCOME :smiley:

is there tutorial on how to use sprite animation or animating sprite?
with or without ` .plist``` files,

what i did was copying from cpp-test source code, but it seems that i failed to do it :frowning:

@mochichama did u want to know how to use frame animation with png

@yuye yes, using frame animation with png texture atlas