Sprite in a Billboard disppears when setFlippedX or setFlippedY is called

auto billboard = BillBoard::create(BillBoard::Mode::VIEW_PLANE_ORIENTED);
auto billSprite = Sprite::create("wall_left.png");

//required to reproduce
auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("MyModel.c3b");
billSprite->setPosition3D(Vec3(300, 200, 0));
sprite->setPosition3D(Vec3(500, 200, 0)); //any value < billSprite's z works, but larger causes billsprite to disappear

Edit: This appears to happen only when there is a sprite3D that has z position >= greater than the billboard

Causes the sprite to disappear. However if I call setFlippedX and setFlippedY to true together it appears, but if they are just called independently the sprite disappears.
I also tried setScaleX/Y with negative values the result is the same.

Is this intended? as rotation works fine but flip does not?

Probably a bug … and if I were you I’d just use 180º rotation around Y (flip x) or X (flip y) if that works fine. You’re going to probably run into at least a few similar issues if you try to intermix 3D and 2D together where each can be at different depths as I don’t think it’s been tested enough to be robust.

File an issue on github though if you like.