Getting started with SDKBOX!

Let’s use this topic to talk about how to get started with SDKBOX! What considerations might you want to take?
Make sure to visit the website

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no link, nothing happens on click

Hi @slackmoehrle, i would like to have detailed documentation about SDKBOX IAP integration ( Apps Store , Google Play, amazon) with cocos2d-x V3.4+

The “website” link is not working.

There is a button to SDKBOX on the top menu.

Weird. It worked for me in testing. I edited the link and added http. Works now in FF, Chrome, Safari.

We don’t support SANDBOX IAP yet. We do have IAP coming, I will mention this SDK to the devs.

Hi @slackmoehrle!

What is the aim of SDKBOX? Is it a replacement of plugin-x, but more straightforward?

Thank in advance!

Sort of. The goal here is to make integrating common tasks very easy. We think that a lot of developers want ads, attribution, analytics, IAP, etc and sometimes these tasks are daunting and prone to failure. Developers should be focusing on game play and development :slight_smile:

I think that Plugin-X will still be valid as we can’t integrate every possible SDK our users want. I think that Plugin-X will see some changes and benefits based upon this new work. Plugin-X is hard and we should change this.

Is it possible to have AdMob included in SDKBOX?

SDKBOX will support Universal Windows Apps (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1)?If so, its possible to support Microsoft Advertising Ads?

I will mention this in our meeting today. Thanks for the suggestion.

Currently iOS and Android apps. I will talk about Windows support in our meeting today.

What is the difference between SDKBOX and AnySDK?

AnySDK primarily targets the needs of the Chinese market. There is something like 200+ unique app stores and it is very hard to make it into a large number of them manually.

SDKBOX provides an easy to use integration layer to add monetization, social, etc.

Maybe the AnySDK english site just needs to be updated, but it describes it as follows:

Is the SDK integration in SDKBOX different than the SDK integration in AnySDK?

Can you please give a technical overview of SDKBOX like it’s data flow and the services/servers involved in the service?

I read on the forum that AnySDK is the solution for the Chinese market, and SDKBOX the one for the US market. So what about the EU market then? Can we, based on that post, assume, that SDKBOX is also running in the cloud like AnySDK or is it totally different?

SDKBOX is more like a upgraded version of plugin-x, so in short it’s just a plugin it’s not something runs on a cloud. the reason it starts is because we want to provide a better plugin integration solution for cocos2d-x, but the fact is plugin-x always gets the low priority compare to other shinning new 3D features, so we decide to change that.

Now we’re working with third party sdk providers to create fully tested plugin for cocos2d-x c++, js and lua, and we got sponsorship if developers integrates them, as a result currently we’re tracking installs of our plugin (only install nothing else), and that’s pretty much the services we got at this stage.

Moving forward, we’re creating more plugins, like iap, social, and will provide more useful valuable service. to the developers.

It’s really a win-win for developers, 3rd party sdk providers and coocs2d-x, saves game developer’s time, saves sdk developer’s time, and we get paid to grow cocos2d-x.

As for AnySDK and SDKBOX, currently it’s a separate product, SDKBOX offers more freedom and more tailor to US/EU market, although AnySDK have english version, but I think chinese market really keeps the team busy, 100s of store to keep it up, is not a easy task.


It’s much better, and more importantly supports iOS

Thank you for your explanation!

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to login to download the plugins to check myself, so I had to ask :smiley:

Why can you not login?