Why are you tracking us? And why closed source?

The topic says it all.

Why is SDKBOX sending HTTP requests with tracking information to http://metrics.sdkbox.com/, and why is SDKBOX not open source like Cocos2d-x is?

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Yes, there is some information that we collect. We don’t sell it or use it for anything more than deciding where to focus our engineering efforts. You can view the privacy policy here: http://cocos2d-x.org/sdkbox/privacy

SDKBOX is closed source at this time. Why? It requires integration effort for each plugin. We are constantly improving this as we add new plugins. Also, this allows us to ensure we have a good handle on making sure the plugins we do integrate are performing well. We test each plugin in an automated and manual fashion for each release for different versions of cocos2d-x/js/lua on different platforms.

Perhaps, someday, this will change. For now it remains closed.

I think your arguments actually support having SDKBOX open source. You’d get more help in all those tasks.

Whatever is fine. I just hope you keep free, hah.

Given the fantastic community around cocos2d-x I’m surprised anything is closed source, take Unreal as an example they’ve flourished from community support and patches since they went free/opensource to all. So much so that unity had to change it’s licence to compete.

I understand the need for code control, but that’s what pull request are for :stuck_out_tongue: