Cocos2dx2.2.2 performance issue on Windows Phone 8

i made some test code, when the font size is below 18 both the english and chinese char are dim, and when the font size is above 20 both the char are allright.
in order to display the chinese i load arialuni.ttf font.

Did it ok, when you reverted the pr? Just after the pr?

merge the it is wrong, the screenshot is after i merge the pr. when i reverted the code it is allright.

i know when you ancher center the coord may be float, draw one pixel will mix the round color

hi lostplesed,

I am also porting my ios game to windows 8 device.
I did setup up and getting able to run build on simulator but not on device, can you just elaborate the steps of setup you did + steps of creating project and deploying on device.


here is a tutorial about how to start in wp8:

Thanks chenjc. I willl follow this article.

I also have some problems with performance issue. FPS down when it runs on Lumia 900 and 920, i think it happen on some devices have adreno 2xx. FPS is so good on Lumia 620 ( Adreno 305). My design resolution is 800x480 ( landscape ). It 's just use c++, don’t use XAML.
Do you have any solution for this problem? Thanks!

Same problem here! On Android, even on the lowest end devices our game runs at 60fps, but on WP8 it runs terribly. On lumia 520 fps is acceptable, around 45-50, but on lumia 920 it runs at 20fps which is unplayable. Is this performance problem caused by Angle converting OpenGL to DirectX or what? CPU is not the problem as CPU usage is less than 20%.

This should be fixed ASAP, as the cocos2d-x on WP8 is almost useless because of this… :frowning:

We have also the same problem. On our lumia 520 the game runs perfect with 56-60fps (release mode). But on our lumia 925 the game runs with 35fps also in release mode.

Did anybody have a solution for this problem?

With many thanks, Matthias

i am sorry guys. busy in fixing bugs on the project.and finally it is online.新傲视天地/dbae5b13-8c83-4039-8137-6d2a849ab84d

the game still has some memory problem in low memory devices eg. lumia520 :frowning:

It even seems that on lumia 920 cocos2d-x is rendering at 800x480 and upscaling to 1280x768. Still having crappy fps is weird so there must be a internal problem causing it.

I got our game to run at around 50 fps on lumia 920 by reducing fillrate a lot and doing crazy overoptimization. Still plays somewhat laggy… The bright side is that on lumia 520 our game runs silky smooth 60fps now. :slight_smile:

woo, great jobs, can you share some crazy over optimization method? thank you.
@MasterKelli wrote:

It even seems that on lumia 920 cocos2d-x is rendering at 800x480 and upscaling to 1280x768. Still having crappy fps is weird so there must be a internal problem causing it.

I got our game to run at around 50 fps on lumia 920 by reducing fillrate a lot and doing crazy overoptimization. Still plays somewhat laggy… The bright side is that on lumia 520 our game runs silky smooth 60fps now. :slight_smile:

Our optimization is mostly based on reducing draw calls and fillrate to the absolute minimum. We have a custom tilemap system and it has spatial partitioning to reduce triangle count. We only render what is visible on the screen. I made our parallax background dynamic so it analyzes the current tilemap on screen and only draws where necessary. By doing this I was able to reduce fillrate by a huge amount and gaining more fps.

thanks for sharing
@MasterKelli wrote:

Our optimization is mostly based on reducing draw calls and fillrate to the absolute minimum. We have a custom tilemap system and it has spatial partitioning to reduce triangle count. We only render what is visible on the screen. I made our parallax background dynamic so it analyzes the current tilemap on screen and only draws where necessary. By doing this I was able to reduce fillrate by a huge amount and gaining more fps.

I’m having the same problem. Why is nobody trying to fix it?

@DianLage still waiting for the microsoft guys to fix it.i reorganize my project resource, pack the textures and release them as much as it is can running on low memory devices.

Has anyone else made any progress here?

We have exactly same issue on our 920. We used XNA version of Cocos2D in the past and there was not any problem - actually 920 was much more faster than 520.
It seems that 520 is problematic due to memory issue for change.

Ok, I have optimized our game mainly by reducing draw calls - currently I have 4! (since we have 4 textures). And I’ve got beatiful 60FPS (original FPS value was about 10FPS!!!). It seems that cocos on WP8 don’t like many draw calls. Each added draw call leads to brutal performance decrease, so it is recommendation for you how it optimize your game. It is pretty easy because of dynamic batching - this is really cool feature!