Cocos2d-x v3.6 Released

You normally build a cocos2d-x project via cocos console.

cocos run -p win32

Which creates the project at projectdir\bin\debug\win32.
In this directory the resources are copied.

When you are using Visual Studio and press debug, the compiled files will be in projectdir\proj.win32\Debug.win32 for debug build. When you start your game out of Debug.win32 folder you need the resources in this folder. And that’s the reason why it is always copied inside of this folder.

I think it’s easier to say “look for the files at the current location” instead of hardcoding a path.

just we have to add one line to delete the all prev res from debug folder

Looks like a solid update! Thanks!

my ndk is r10c, but run for android is failed… say about “out of range about cAumature…” this stuff, and when i reuse v3.5, can build success, but can not run in my android device(HuaWei P7)… anybody know ? thanks.

ps : i use cococstuio to build apk…

I’m getting 2 errors when I run the script on the plugins. Everything builds fine, but when I get errors on it trying to publish . and iosiap

Accidentally posted it under the v3.6 JS release (doh!)

Is there something wrong in the scripts?

In v3.7:

  • Refined render system for 3D
  • Material system, which is being developed by Ricardo
  • 3D physics integrated, using bullet
  • 3D navigation mesh and path finding
  • Merged cocos2d-js, I mean both JSB and html5. So cocos2d-x will have a native runtime and a web runtime since v3.7.
  • From Microsoft OpenTech’s contribute plan: remove vs2012 support, remove wp8.0 support, add windows 10 and vs2015 support. (So there will be finally wp8.1 + win10 support in 3.7)

Yes, big changes. 3.7 is a big version.

so now we don’t need to apply Pixel Perfect Collision because of new feature: SpritePolygon?

can you please keep at list vs2013 version support , some developers have mid / low end pc’s
the compilation is already very slow on my Pentium Dual Core CPU .

Is VS 2015 slower than 2013?

i guess its faster and better. but each new VS version is much Heavier on the running machine
look at code::blocks for example its light and fast , QTCreator is also Ok .

So, you guys have plans to support Android Studio (and drop Eclipse support)?

compiler and linker may be faster, but vs2015 ide not

Is anyone else having an issue with the threads still running after you tell cocos to close the debugging thread in VS2013? As soon as I quit my app in 3.4, VS would no longer be debugging, but now it’s debugging for a good 3 seconds after I close my app.

To confirm, I started a new cpp project and ran that one, and still experienced the same issue. Pausing the process after I’ve closed the app, it looks like it’s doing a lot of cleanup.

Basically, closing my app has Visual Studio 2013 doing some stuff for a few seconds after I close my app, while before the process used to immediately end.

Is anyone else having this issue?

YES. :frowning:

It’s pretty rough, if you figure out a solution, please let me know. I’ve tried a few things in the VS options, but I don’t think it helps at all.

there are no built-in method to check polygon collision yet, but it is a cool feature to consider

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Of course! VS2015 is still in preview version, not mature enough. I think many developers are using vs2013 community edition.

thanks , you need to update the site startup page to version 3.6

Is the Direct-x based rendered for Windows Phone still expected for cocos2d-x v4.0?