Cocos2d-x v3.6 Released

We are happy to announce that cocos2d-x v3.6 is released.

Because Angle doesn’t support WP8 any more, and WP8’s market share is around 20% worldwide with variations across countries, so we removed WP8 support suggested by MS OPEN TECK guys since v3.6.


Highlights of v3.6

  • 3D: added skybox support
  • 3D: added terrain support
  • added SpritePolygon to fix overdraw issue
  • used luajit v2.1-20150331 on 64-bit iOS devices
  • memory usage optimization of ui::Button
  • removed WP8 support
  • 3rd: updated Spine runtime to v2.1.25
  • 3rd: updated libcurl to v7.4 on all supported platforms except WP8.1 universal
  • 3rd: updated chipmunk to v6.2.2
  • 3rd: updated openssl to v1.0.11
  • 3rd: updated freetype to v2.5.5
  • 3rd: updated png to v1.6.16

Features in detail

3D TextureCube

TextureCube is useful for skybox and environment mapping. It uses 6 faces of a cube as map shape, and 6 pictures are projected onto the sides of a cube and stored as six square textures.

TexturesCube usage

auto texturecube = TextureCube::create("left.jpg", "right.jpg", "top.jpg", "bottom.jpg","front.jpg", "back.jpg");
//set texture parameters
Texture2D::TexParams tRepeatParams;
tRepeatParams.magFilter = GL_NEAREST;
tRepeatParams.minFilter = GL_NEAREST;
tRepeatParams.wrapS = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT;
tRepeatParams.wrapT = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT;

//create a GLProgramState using custom shader
auto shader = GLProgram::createWithFilenames("cube_map.vert", "cube_map.frag");
auto state = GLProgramState::create(shader);
// pass the texture sampler to our custom shader, state is a pointer of GLProgramState, u_cubeTex is a uniform in shader
state->setUniformTexture("u_cubeTex", texturecube);

Then the shader cube_map.frag can be something like this,

varying vec3        v_reflect; //reflect direction
uniform samplerCube u_cubeTex;

void main(void)
    gl_FragColor = textureCube(u_cubeTex, v_reflect); //sample the color of reflection direction

For more information please refer to cpp-tests/Sprite3DTest/Sprite3DCubeMapTest.

3D Skybox

Skybox is a common component in 3D game. It is based on TextureCube.

Usage of skybox

// create a texture cube
auto textureCube = TextureCube::create("left.jpg", "right.jpg","top.jpg", "bottom.jpg","front.jpg", "back.jpg");
//create a skybox
auto skyBox = Skybox::create();
//set cube texture to the skybox

For more information please refer to cpp-tests/Sprite3DTest/Sprite3DCubeMapTest.


3D Terrain

Terrain is an important component in 3D game. A texture is used to stand for the height map. And up to 4 textures can be used to blend the details of the terrain, grass, road, and so on.

Usage of terrain

//blended layers
Terrain::DetailMap dirt("TerrainTest/dirt.jpg"), grass("TerrainTest/Grass2.jpg"), road("TerrainTest/road.jpg"), green("TerrainTest/GreenSkin.jpg");

//height map, alpha map (blend weight), and blended layers
Terrain::TerrainData data("TerrainTest/heightmap16.jpg", "TerrainTest/alphamap.png", dirt, grass, road, green);

//create terrain here
_terrain = Terrain::create(data,Terrain::CrackFixedType::SKIRT);
//set lod distance
//it must be less than 5

For more information please refer to cpp-tests/Sprite3DTest/TerrainTest.


Animate3D Quality Control

In order to make Animate3D run fast, you can use low quality animation. There are three types of animation quality:

  • Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_NONE
  • Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_LOW
  • Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_HIGH

Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_NONE means the animation will not be updated. You can use this type on the animation that you are sure it is not visible. Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_LOW will use the nearest keyframe to display current frame; Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_HIGH will will interpolate between keyframes.

std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b";
auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
if (animation)
   auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
   //use low quality animation

The animation quality is also configurable in config.plist, the key is cocos2d.x.3d.animate_high_quality. All created Animate3D base on this key if exist. You can modify it using the above method.

Un-bottleneck your fill-rate with SpritePolygon

SpritePolygon is a 2d Node, like Sprites, it displays a 2d Image.
But the difference is where Sprites is made of 2 triangles to form a quad, SpritePolygon is made of N number of triangles. It is an experimental feature.


This allows the GPU to draw the same graphics with much lower pixels.

Because 2d games tends to not use much vertices compared to 3d games, but almost of all sprites are none rectangular, GPU wastes precious bandwidth drawing area that is totally transparent. Fill-rate is often the bottleneck in a graphic intense 2d game. SpritePolygon is the perfect cure for “Over-Draw”.

Following picture is the result of performance comparing, corresponding performance test cases are in tests/cpp-tests/Classes/SpritePolygonTest:


For more detail description of SpritePolygon please refer to this thread

luajit arm64

The version of the luajit is v2.1-20150331. We have consulted the author of luajit, he said it was stability enough to be used. We will update to v2.1 when it is released.

Using luajit arm64 version is that because it can improve the performance. In previous versions of cocos2d-x, it uses lua on iOS 64-bit devices.

Bytecode of luajit and luajit arm64 are not compatible, which means you can not use one version of bytecode on iOS 32-bit devices and iOS 64-bit devices.

As there is not mandatory requirement of having arm64 bit bin on Android, so we don’t use luajit arm64 on Android as its bytecode is not compatible with luajit arm32.

Button memory usage optimization

Now the title label of Button is created on demand. A Button without title won’t
create an extra empty label.

And we have also removed some redundant string variables in Button’s header file.

We use Cpp-Empty-Test to verify this optimization.

Here is the test code:

auto visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
auto origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();

int num = 100;
for (int i=0; i < num; ++i)
auto button = ui::Button::create("ClosedNormal.png",
button->setPosition(origin + visibleSize/2);

And here is the result:

On iOS platform

Num of buttons 100 200 500 1000
Before optimization 61M 61.9M 67.1M 72.2M
After optimization 60.7M 61.1M 66M 67.9M

On Mac platform

Num of buttons 100 200 500 1000
Before optimization 26.8M 27.1M 33.2M 35.4M
After optimization 25.1M 25.9M 28M 32.4M

More information

For further information please read Full Changelog.

We would appreciate if you can test this version and report any possible bugs.
Thank you!


Nice! In the next release (3.7) we can expect big changes in cocos project?

Do you mean 8.0 only so it’d still work on 8.1??
I just tested new cocos studio and old bug on mac os with anchor points and other properties is still present… :frowning:

why this line is added into Build events ->Pre-link events for win32

xcopy "$(ProjectDir)..\Resources" "$(OutDir)" /D /E /I /F /Y

Due to this its very hard to track current resources.
Suppose we delete some res, we have to make sure to delete from debug/release folder too.
It makes messy.
Is there any plus point for this or it just we can run exe direct from debug/release folder?

This has always been the case for win32… Not a cocos2d-x thing… sort it out yourself

To give you some advice you could add another pre-link event which deletes the resources from the OutDir. You would automatically remove files from the debug/release folders which aren’t in “$(ProjectDir)…\Resources”.

NO, i don’t have problem right now.
I just removed that line from pre-link event same as earlier versions(3.4 and earlier) BUT i want to know is there any other reason behind this?

You normally build a cocos2d-x project via cocos console.

cocos run -p win32

Which creates the project at projectdir\bin\debug\win32.
In this directory the resources are copied.

When you are using Visual Studio and press debug, the compiled files will be in projectdir\proj.win32\Debug.win32 for debug build. When you start your game out of Debug.win32 folder you need the resources in this folder. And that’s the reason why it is always copied inside of this folder.

I think it’s easier to say “look for the files at the current location” instead of hardcoding a path.

just we have to add one line to delete the all prev res from debug folder

Looks like a solid update! Thanks!

my ndk is r10c, but run for android is failed… say about “out of range about cAumature…” this stuff, and when i reuse v3.5, can build success, but can not run in my android device(HuaWei P7)… anybody know ? thanks.

ps : i use cococstuio to build apk…

I’m getting 2 errors when I run the script on the plugins. Everything builds fine, but when I get errors on it trying to publish . and iosiap

Accidentally posted it under the v3.6 JS release (doh!)

Is there something wrong in the scripts?

In v3.7:

  • Refined render system for 3D
  • Material system, which is being developed by Ricardo
  • 3D physics integrated, using bullet
  • 3D navigation mesh and path finding
  • Merged cocos2d-js, I mean both JSB and html5. So cocos2d-x will have a native runtime and a web runtime since v3.7.
  • From Microsoft OpenTech’s contribute plan: remove vs2012 support, remove wp8.0 support, add windows 10 and vs2015 support. (So there will be finally wp8.1 + win10 support in 3.7)

Yes, big changes. 3.7 is a big version.

so now we don’t need to apply Pixel Perfect Collision because of new feature: SpritePolygon?

can you please keep at list vs2013 version support , some developers have mid / low end pc’s
the compilation is already very slow on my Pentium Dual Core CPU .

Is VS 2015 slower than 2013?

i guess its faster and better. but each new VS version is much Heavier on the running machine
look at code::blocks for example its light and fast , QTCreator is also Ok .

So, you guys have plans to support Android Studio (and drop Eclipse support)?