Cocos Helper - Add Chartboost, AdMob, Google Play etc easily With Video Tutorials With Free Skype Assistance

Not at the moment but one of our developers is looking into it.

okay… hold on everyone :smile:

@slackmoehrle @SonarSystems @iQD and all other fellas… :smile:
Does it really matter, which one is better… ??

All it matters is which one the developers are most comfortable with…Right ?
Say, there are a handful of ad services,
some use some and the other
In my current project, I had to update a game to newer version of cocos2d-x and Muneris
Never heard of that before, but it was the game producers choice to use that.

We asked them about both Sonar Cocos Helper and Cocos SDK Box about implementation.
But they were more of with Muneris :wink:

Doesn’t matter who uses what, in the end the only thing that matters is whether they are sure of using it.

Ofcourse, it a great initiative by both cocos2d-x and sonar systems :smile:
like @slackmoehrle said : let’s believe in service and promotion than divide the joy of opensource things.

Well, I am not trying to be the Avatar here… :stuck_out_tongue:
But hey come on, sooner or later both will implement the features that we ask for and I know
both @SonarSystems and Cocos2d-x are robust and helpful to other developers.

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ha ha… :smile:

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Finished JS port for iOS, Android is underway, will be released within 1 week :smiley:

It does, if you have to make decisions based on feature completeness, SLA and time to market.

Only if they share a common feature set and the like.

Can you please provide a link to it?

In the end it matters, if the features you need are provided.

The provided features at this time are strong points in the decision making of which SDK will gonna be used.

We, or at least me, never said that product X is better/worse than product Y. The only thing we did, was asking to back claims with arguments, nothing more.

A decision based on personal preference can only be made, if the compared products share the same features. If they don’t, you have to make an objective decision instead of a subjective one. Eg., both products share ad system A and B and you only need A and B, the decision is just personal preference. But if one product is missing ad system A, the decision is clear. You can only go with product B(and there are only those two products to choose from), no matter how bad it is in your personal preference.

What reminds me of personal preference and Open Source, is the DragonFly BSD.
Matt Dillon chose to fork FreeBSD, cause his personal preference was different to that of the FreeBSD 5 route. The base of both still share the same features.

It’s contrary to SDKBOX and SCC. They don’t share a common base, they are different products and contenders.
Going separate routes can sometimes be a very good idea, but also contra productive. Look at all those GNU/Linux distros compared to the BSDs or even the available browsers. All share a common base. Some differ a lot, others don’t.

I don’t have insights, of how SDKBOX or SSC is financing it’s efforts, but if they both share the same goal, I would suggest the following:
Make a Kickstarter campaign, throw in the best of the two worlds and make the best SDK framework yet existed.
The problem with that is, that people always have different ideas and visions and it’s hard to find a common denominator.
Working together on the same problem can sometimes lead to a better product as working on the same problem separately.

@SonarSystems: Make colored pictures not grayscaled ones? :smile:

LOL, the picture was from Google.

Simply put we will continue creating quality content/resources the best way we can. The Cocos2d-JS version will be done within the next week, then moving onto UI libraries, then push notifications, in-app purchases etc.

We hope the community will benefit from our resources and we would love to see all the games everyone uses the Helper inside, we will also put a gameplay trailer for anyone that uses the Cocos Helper on our YouTube channel for free.

Viva la Cocos Community


Hello everyone,

We are thinking of renaming the Sonar Cocos Helper to simply Cocos Helper, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. If you have a better name suggestion then let us know,

Thank you for your time

I’m eager to see cocos2d-js version for android available :slight_smile:

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I’ve integrated SCH with Admob but it’s show the same banner ad and the same interstitial ad during the whole game.

How can I shuffle them?

I know that this question was asked previously in this topic but maybe someone found the solution…

It will be really cool if would be possible to add ad-refresh interval parameter to current show... methods! :slight_smile:

What is caption and name parameters of Facebook::Share method for?

We are looking forward to releasing it.

They should refresh automatically but is it the test ad?

Caption is when the image doesn’t load but its not used atm so just provide an empty string.

Name is the title at the top

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Strange behavior when I try to share (using Facebook::Share method.) a screenshot…

First time I share a screen capture it works properly.
Next times (when I replay the game) I share a screen capture again, the upper half of a capture is normal while the bottom half is black.

Maybe someone encountered it?

sorry for offtopic…

At which point do you take the screenshot in the game?

When the round is over. I want to share a screenshot of round’s score.

Try taking a screenshot with a delay and see if that fixes the issue.

What to you mean by that? I don’t capture screens one after another. There is a enough time between every capture. Or I didn’t get it…

Try saving it using a different name