Cocos Helper - Add Chartboost, AdMob, Google Play etc easily With Video Tutorials With Free Skype Assistance

Hello, as I’m using the twitter plugin, it’s simply do an ACTION_SEND on android, which not only twitter client but also many other applications pop up. please could you use the method described as this answer :

It is more eligant than simply share to system intent.

great i just tested Vungle ,but do u have Callback on vungle ,to know if the user did finsh watching the video with no skip ?

I just solved the callback, by firing function on the JNIResults

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Could you show us a screenshot of the problem/concern please.

Great to hear you have solved it

any update with the in-app ?

Working on it but no ETA atm.

Updated, download the latest code from GitHub

More Cocos2d-JS Helper videos for Android:


I really like the framework, it’s easy do use and nice documentation.
But I have a question about facebook. I’m trying to use the standalone facebook plugin with all api supported but I see AppActivity extens SonarSystemActivity and the standalone facebook plugin also wants to extend AppActivity. Since java is no multiinheritance how I can use both plugins?


Yh should be ok

so what class should AppActivity Extend?

I will hand this over to my Java guy.

I don’t get any sign in when running the helper on an iPad Mini 2. I added SonarCocosHelper::IOS::Setup(); and SonarCocosHelper::GameCenter::signIn(); but no sign-in screen or acknowledgement shows up. Then when I try to open a leaderboard nothing happens.

@SonarSystems I followed the instructions from the video tutorials, can you point me to what might be wrong?

Have you tried other devices via the simulator?

I haven’t tried the simulator yet, I will do so next. But it allowed me to sign-in on my iPod Touch but then it crashed at:

IOSHelper.m loadDefaultLeaderboardIdentifierWithCompletionHandler

with this info:

2015-07-29 08:44:27.461 Ubee[10388:907] -[GKPlayerInternal loadDefaultLeaderboardIdentifierWithCompletionHandler:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1fda8280
2015-07-29 08:44:27.467 Ubee[10388:907] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[GKPlayerInternal loadDefaultLeaderboardIdentifierWithCompletionHandler:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1fda8280'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x327022a3 0x3a38297f 0x32705e07 0x32704531 0x3265bf68 0x204d4f 0x3a79a11f 0x3a7994b7 0x3a79adcb 0x326d5f3b 0x32648ebd 0x32648d49 0x361fb2eb 0x3455e301 0x25441f 0xb60c8)
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception

This is happening after signing-in but an entire screen before I call SonarCocosHelper::GameCenter::showLeaderboard();

Do I need to put the leaderboard ID somewhere? I did not see that in the video.

You shouldn’t have to, have you added all the frameworks?

It worked perfectly in the iPhone 6 simulator.

So, the problems seem to be on hardware…does the helper need more testing on physical devices?

Yes, I added the frameworks because I am able to run in the simulator.

It works on our physical devices, did you try mini 2 simulator?