Cocos Creator RoadMap - UPDATED thru 11/2016

Hey! Do you have any plans about support wp8+/win8+ platform?

+1 to that. What are the plans for the physics engine?

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Do you have example of the transition between Scenes?
I had found the sample page, but not work for now.

Do Cocos Creator 1.3 have this feature? I hope this feature will apply in next version.

What isn’t working? Are you getting an error of some sort?

OK… it looks like cool piece of software,but… whereis the source code of this tool?
Can someone point me where I can find it?
Would be great to maybe participate in development.

I think it is not entirely open source, but at least the engine is.

This is working:

cc.director.preloadScene("index" , (err, res) => { 

But this is not working:

    cc.director.preloadScene("index" , (err, res) => { 
    	cc.director.runScene( new cc.TransitionSlideInR( 1.0, res.scene) );

why put cc.TransitionSlideInR not working?

August 2019: Cocos Creator 2019 Roadmap (updated August 2019)

Latest version: Cocos Creator 2021 and beyond!!