Zooming or scaling layouts

What is the correct way to zoom in/zoom out in cocos? I’ve tried to use CCNode::setScale() to scale my layouts, but that doesn’t work if I have Box2D objects, which won’t scale. Another method is to use CCCamera::setEyeXYZ(), but this method has next disadvantages: zooming of UI controls, far clip plane isn’t far enough, so I can’t get my layouts very far from camera (this is very strange, I’ve taken a look at projection mathix initialization, and it seems that far clip moved closer while resolving issue #1334, in CCDirector.cpp Line 365 :
// issue #1334
kmMat4PerspectiveProjection( &matrixPerspective, 60, (GLfloat)size.width/size.height, 0.1f, zeye*2);
// kmMat4PerspectiveProjection( &matrixPerspective, 60, (GLfloat)size.width/size.height, 0.1f, 1500); )
Could you guys comment on this?