xaml and c++ cclog not display and can not make breakpoint

cocos2dx-2.2.2 wp8-xaml , i can not get the cclog display in console and can not make breakpoint, i need help thanks

this: [[http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/wpapps/en-US/88211c4d-5774-41ab-ae6b-f447f20f5c8e/how-to-debug-or-print-log-in-the-windows-phone-runtime-components-in-windows-phone-8?forum=wpdevelop]]

right clicking on the project t and selecting the “properties” => Debug => Under the “UI Task” there is a drop down. select “Native Only”

after doing this, you can debug in the runtime component and find the log in the Output window.

super caco, had you any problems when you had run wp8-xaml sample project?


works fine… but still CCLOG(“updating”); doesnt work

how to get it working in xaml??

define COCOS2D_DEBUG=1 in “c/c++” => “Preprocessor”, and you can use CCLOG. Thanks.

@chenjc: Thanks :slight_smile: