Wrong button id when move mouse

Hello. Maybe depends on An issue with node.on(cc.Node.EventType.MOUSE_MOVE) v2.4.9 - #2 by muxiandong

There is the same problem. But now it happens on native mac os build. v3.7.3

export class MouseListener extends Component {
    protected onLoad() {
        this.node.on(Node.EventType.MOUSE_MOVE, this.onMouseMove, this)

    private onMouseMove(ev: EventMouse) {

Here ev.getButton() returns -1 when the right mouse button is pressed.

We will check it, thanks

May I ask what’s your test platform? use mac on web (chrome) or build for native mac(xcode)?

Sorry for a delay. I tested it on a native mac os build. native mac(xcode)

Currently, native platform do not support this usage. I have fed back your requirements to relevant developer for further evaluation