Where HelloWorld::create implemented

I started to code game and I didnt get exactly where HelloWorld::create implemented in HelloWorld class. I checked header and cpp there is no create method implemented. I just want init create scene with createWithPhysics. (fixed: I got it cocos2d::Scene extended to HelloWorld)

Scene* HelloWorld::createScene()
    return HelloWorld::create();

create() is part of the Macro that is in the header. Just extend Scene instead of Layer. I am not sure why we still do that. I think we should change this behavior, it confuses a lot of folks at first.

I tried to create using createWithPhysics in HelloWorld::createScene but I couldnt.
I used Scene::initWithPhysicsin in HelloWorld::init method. For me its ok currently as my first lines of cocos2d-x

I see. If you need help, let us know.

Thank you…