Where do I find my compiled file? Or is PrebuiltRuntimeJs2 the file?

Hi guys,

I ran the compiler for windows, android and html5, so I was wondering where the files were at. I only found those files under the name PrebuiltRuntimeJs2 and it confuses me because of the naming. So I wanted to ask just to make sure.

So your tag says you’er using cocosIDE…
You must have included Native code from the cocosIDE to your project.
Now see,
Compiling/Building for android or windows would do everything inside ‘runtime’ folder and they are in their respective folder which is ‘android’ and ‘win32’. I don’t know how it confuses you as for android it isPrebuiltRuntimeJs.apk and for windows it is PrebuiltRuntimeJs.exe.

Compiling for html5 should not put anything in separate folders instead it would keep on your files in the src folder and thats all. If you want to run your game you can use cocosIDE but if you want to publish your game then you need to use the command separately by navigating manually into the project folder to build the project as ‘release’.
And then you will see a new folder named ‘publish’ is generated in your project folder.
‘Publish’ folder should contain your compressed src files (It uses Google Closure compiler for that) and your index.html file…
See its so plain and clear… Where are you getting problem?
Can you please elaborate more.

Also note that PrebuiltRuntimeJs.apk/PrebuiltRuntimeJs.exe are not release files…
So you need to have final release file to able to publish them on store…
These files are just used when you’re developing in debugging mode.

“Also note that PrebuiltRuntimeJs.apk/PrebuiltRuntimeJs.exe are not release files…”

This part. I just wanted to make sure that it’s not the release files.

Runtime are build for debug, if you want a release file, you would use Package to APK for Android and Package to IPA for iOS.