When Release 3.14

When released cocos2d-js 3.14?


Around 12/23

When Release 3.14

We had to QA more so in the next few days

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any news?

Anyway I think it will be with some strange bug so I will be waiting for 3.14.1 :smiley:

Does it matter if you are waiting for 3.14.1 then?

still yes, 3.14.1 will come after 3.14 :slight_smile: and we want to help out to faster debug it in case there is issues.

Maybe I will hope this time 3.14 will work stable from scratch like" iphone 7" and 3.14.1 will be iphone 7s :slight_smile:

3.14 is switch to clang mode??

does 3.14 going to support visual studio 2017 because the current 3.13.1 does not
and it crashes every time i want to debug cocos2d-x library code in a win32 project.

Visual Studio 2017 is still a release candidate. We may or may not support it in v3.14. I will ask the engineering team.

We will not support VS 2017 in v3.14.

3.13.1 is gcc, 3.14 is switch to clang??

I don’t know. I’ll ask the engineering team?

No staying gcc

3.14 will support wss and ssl ??

the zip file is uploaded though @slackmoehrle haven’t released the news. wss will be supported in next version.

What’s new in 3.14?

Great news! Is it possible, to send email notification when new release is out and ready for download? Sometimes I get email/news but after one two weeks later and not for every release step. Thank you

We usually announce new releases in our newsletter. If you subscribe to that you should be all set. It comes out once a month (usually).

3.14 is out already: http://cocos2d-x.org/download