Websocket connection error on iOS 3G/4G/Wifi using IPV6

I’m using Cocos2d-x C++ 3.17 version and the connection on iOS seems to be wrong sometimes for no reason. On 3G/4G, or even sometimes on Wifi the connection cannot open with error 65, and these issues are already reported several times without any responses.
The websocket library, libwesockets embedded in Cocos2dx C++ is quite old (2.4.2) whereas they are currently at the 4.3
I’m not sure updating the lib would fix the issues, but is there a way to do so? I could’nt find how they are built.

Edit: I haven’t tested on Android yet but AFAIK there is no issue.

Edit 2: A temporary solution for iOS is to change the websocket implementation to use to pod SocketRocket and a wrapper, and it is working perfectly for all network connections

it appears that the probable cause of the issue is an ipv6 connection, disabling iov6 dns record fix the issue. Although the old 2.4.2 websocket library should handle ipv6 connections, there is an issue that may have be fixed since then.

=> We would definitely need to build the lib again, check if it working, and if so then make it available in cocos2d releases.