VideoPlayer component not working in iOS 15 Safari

I need video playback for my project. So I added a video player component and built it as a web-mobile platform. Video works in PC browser and iOS 14 Safari. But iOS 15 Safari doesn’t work. Of course, I also checked the Sample, but the Sample doesn’t work either. What should I do?

Version : 3.5.1

I tested it in ios 15.5 and it works fine.

Please share your editor and component inspector settings.I can’t found. I also failed to play this sample video.I tested 15.5 too.

I am using this project to test.

Thanks. I’ll check again.

As a result of checking, it has been confirmed that some video formats do not work. I checked the properties of some videos not playing.

The result is:
video property
data speed : 2776kbps
total bit rate : 3093kbps

audio property
bit rate 317 kbps

I suspect the video won’t play at high bitrates.

Yes, the parsing of video and audio is different for each platform.

I get this problem too. Video player do not played on IOS safari.
And the strange think is: if I add a Button and click on it. The videoplayer can play normally.
But if I call via code. And tried to call it again every one second. The videoPlayer don’t play.
Here is the test link: (2.5 MB)
like this?

Video is not playing in cocos creator tested on editor version 3.4.2 and 3.6.1 on ios safari 15.7 neither remote or the default local video will play on ios web when it does play from a desktop browser.