Video player component can not played automatically on IOS safari

Cocos Creator 3.4.2, webmobile build.

I have a video and I want to play it when the app launch. It can be played on Android but not on IOS.
Here’s test link:

And the strange think is: if I add a Button and when user click on it, I call The videoplayer can play normally.
But if I call via code. And tried to call it again every one second. The videoPlayer don’t play.

Anyone have any idea to fix it? And also is there a way to get better log, so we can know what is the error inside the CC engine?

This is a safari browser rule that requires the user to complete one click on a page before video or audio can be played.

Hi I clicked on on web (before and after the page is loaded). The video still can not be automatically

Here is the video that I tested on my Iphone.

Please note that I call every 1 second.

        let localThis = this;
        this.schedule(() => {
            console.log("schedule - " + localThis + " - " + localThis.videoPlayer + " - " + localThis.videoPlayer.isPlaying);
        }, 1, 1000000);