V4 would be a good time to move things forward?

Windows 64bit.

I think that it would be nice to compile all deps for all platforms from source code.

Now with CMake it should be easiest.

We started doing that here:

I think that not much work left …
Can we back to this idea?


@CrazyHappyGame it is a good idea. I think it is a better that you create an issue and describe the work left, then we can track it.

@Xrysnow i think @CrazyHappyGame’s suggestion is good. You can use it to create needed libs.

I am not sure if it is good recommendation …
It is work in progress. So far no one try to use those libs with cocos2d-x .

Yep, but it is a possible solution. Currently, windows libs are built manually by downloading source codes and compile it with VS. Though it is in progress, we can improve it, and we can replace the cocos2d-x 3rd libs after it is ready.

It took me two days to compile win64 libs. Some of them are not easy to compile and some projects have to be modified manually. After that, you have to modify all CMakeLists.txt in external folder. I really hope this work can be done by cocos because it’s not a good experience for the user.

Can you publish your results? Many could benefit from it, if you don’t mind.

+1. Could you create pull request?