V2.4.3 cc.audioEngine not update volume on iOS device

I have implemented sound volume control and its working fine on web/android device but it did nothing on iOS during gameplay but it will update if set on the very early stage of program

Sorry, we tested the sound volume setting, but can’t reproduce the issue you met on iOS

what’s the version of the iOS you use ?
did you mean browsers on iOS or native app on iOS ?

I’m sorry for not clearly

I have tested on Web Mobile build of 2.4.3

iPhone 5s, ios 12.5.1, Chrome, and Safari - not working
iPad gen 5, ios 14.4, Chrome, and Safari - not working

the code called was

the same build works as aspected on PC, Android (Chrome)

strange, I tested but did not encounter that issue
here’s my test code

    extends: cc.Component,

    properties: {
        audio: {
            type: cc.AudioClip,
            default: null

    playButtonCallback () {
        cc.audioEngine.playMusic(this.audio, false, 1);

    sliderEventCallback (slider) {
        // music volume control still works

    stopButtonCallback () {

after investigate, the issue is DOM vs Web download mode.

in iOS’s browser, DOM audio won’t change if set volume during play.

now the issue is fixed for me. Thankyou.

Oh yes, that’s a known issue on iOS’s browser
Sorry forgot that