Undefined when loading script

Hi guys, little question:
we have created a class from cc.Component

cc.MapNodeRef = cc.Class({
extends: cc.Component,

properties: {
    prev: {
        default: null,
        type: cc.Node
    next: {
        default: null,
        type: cc.Node
    sprite: {
        default: null,
        type: cc.Sprite
    id: {
        default: 1

onLoad() {
    this.sprite.active = false;


and we used this class inside another class as like here:

extends: cc.Component,

properties: {
   nodes: {
       default: [],
       type: [cc.MapNodeRef]


after this, we have this ‘warning’:

The ‘type’ attribute of ‘mapManager.nodes’ is undefined when loading script.

Is it a trouble have this ‘warning’ when we release the game?

Thanks for help,


maybe instead of

type: [cc.MapNodeRef]


type: cc.MapNodeRef

This part of documentation may help:


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