The new Cocos Creator is unusable

Although the idea of this Unity Clone is good.
The editor itself is too buggy. I just tried the newest 1.0.2 version.
I am just modifying the HelloWorld project with a little more image and label and added one very small function.
Every time a try to save the script, there is a chance the compiling (as indicated on bottom-left corner icon) will not end and I have to restart.
I can’t continue to work on it without restarting the editor every 5 minutes.

Here is the code i use:
My code is very simple and don’t have error.
It just that the compilation will sometimes hang.

    extends: cc.Component,

    properties: {
        label: { default: null, type: cc.Label },
        txtHp: { default: null, type: cc.Label },
        txtAp: { default: null, type: cc.Label },
        imgHpFill: { default: null, type: cc.Sprite },
        imgApFill: { default: null, type: cc.Sprite },
        nickName: 'fantasyz'

    // use this for initialization
    onLoad: function () {
        this.label.string = this.nickName;
        localStorage.setItem("hpCurr", 5);
        localStorage.setItem("hpMax", 10);
        localStorage.setItem("apCurr", 4);
        localStorage.setItem("apMax", 5);

    // called every frame
    update: function (dt) {
    updateValues: function(){
        var hpCurr = localStorage.getItem("hpCurr");
        var hpMax = localStorage.getItem("hpMax"); 
        this.txtHp.string = hpCurr + " / " + hpMax;
        this.imgHpFill.fillRange = hpCurr / hpMax;
        var apCurr = localStorage.getItem("apCurr");
        var apMax = localStorage.getItem("apMax"); 
        this.txtAp.string = apCurr + " / " + apMax;
        this.imgApFill.fillRange = apCurr / apMax;

I’ve the same problem. I’m using Win8.1.

@pandamicro @nantas2 can you take a look at this?