test.apk run on Samsung I5700 is broken

it seems that the test.apk run on my i5700 has problem. For example:ActionsTest,no sprites show on my device.

I don’t know why,maybe something related to opengl es of i5700?

Are you running test.apk from performance wiki page? Or you build it from 0.8.2 sources?

It seems that, the resources are not contained in assets. You should build test by build_native.sh, the script copies resours from tests/Res into tests/test.android/assets.

i downloaded the apk file directly from wiki page, and installed it to my phone. Not compile it

i install the apk in nexus s, the application runs well. it seems that cocos2d-x isn’t suitable for all android devices.

Oh, sorry, the apk from wiki page is too old, 4 months ago.
Compile the last version 0.8.2, it’s far more better than 0.7.1 on android devices.

i compiled the tests follow the “How to run test cases on android-ndk”.
But it crashes when launching the app.
Here’s the Logcat output:

ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2397): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Library cocosdenshion not found
ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2397): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(Runtime.java:489)
ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2397): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:557)
ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2397): at org.cocos2dx.tests.TestsDemo.(TestsDemo.java:42)

obviously there is no .so files in my libs\armeabi folder. Where can i find them and put them in this folder, or are they created automatically by executing ./build_native.sh?

i use android-ndk-r5b, not android-ndk-r5, is this realted to my problem?

and here’s my build_native.sh last output,maybe something wrong?

You should change cocos2dx/Android.mk and tests/test.android/jni/tests/Android.mk as 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 of [[How to run test cases on android-ndk]] said.

of cource i have done step 1.1.1 and 1.1.2~~~i tried again, problem still there

the new capture pic below:

I had tesed on android-ndk-r5b.
Could you plz show your cocos2dx/Android.mk and tests/test.android/jni/tests/Android.mk?

here it is

The files are correct. I don’t have any idea. I have just builded tests with ndk-r5b, it worked ok.
Your cocos2d-x version is 0.8.2 or got from latest github?

i download “cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.2.zip”, could you please give me the .so files,then i can copy them to my folder

Ok, I upload it. Hope it can help you.

thanks,now i can compile and run the test demo.

But see my attach pic, something looks strange on my i5700

any idea?

I5700 released with android 1.5, and cocos2d-x supports 2.1 and up.
May be you update it to 2.1, but I don’t think it can support all the
feathers for 2.1, especially support all the OpenGL ES feathers.

Minggo Zhang wrote:

I5700 released with android 1.5, and cocos2d-x supports 2.1 and up.
May be you update it to 2.1, but I don’t think it can support all the
feathers for 2.1, especially support all the OpenGL ES feathers.

no, where did you find 5700 is android1.5? It’s 2.1 indeed. I don’t need to update.
see the website:http://detail.zol.com.cn/209/208652/param.shtml

and also my screenshot prove it