Support for cocos studio in Cocos2d-x Version 3.11.1

I’m working on try to export one of my games from Eclipse to Android Studio but my old source code uses the CSLoader it seems that the CSLoader location is not the same.
In old version we use this.

#include "cocostudio/CocoStudio.h"

Right now is not working, I’m using android studio for this but I have some problems with cocos studio loader.
Another thing the Editor told me a suggestion this one
#include editor-support/cocostudio/ActionTimeline/CSLoader.h

Is that right after that it shows another problem. This one.

Information:(Unknown) In file included
../../../../../../../../cocos2d/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/DictionaryHelper.h:28:27: fatal error: json/document.h: No such file or directory
 #include "json/document.h"

How is the status of cocos studio ?
Is a good recommendation to change the stuff that we did in cocos studio ?

Cocos Studio was EOL’d @OscarLeif.

Looking in cpp-tests, it looks like it is here: #include "editor-support/cocostudio/ActionTimeline/CSLoader.h"

Looking at CSLoader.cpp, it even includes from the above location.


If I use this

#include "editor-support/cocostudio/ActionTimeline/CSLoader.h"

It will show another problem, man I really use the cocos studio to create the GUIs As far I know Cocos creator doesn’t work right now in C++ code.I guess I have to write the GUI right now.
Thanks for the Answer.

@zhangxm with Studio being EOL’d, what is the status of CSLoader? Is it gone as well? Please see @OscarLeif original post.

CSLoader is kept as CocosBuilder. We don’t add codes any more, but PR is accepted.

@zhangxm I try with the CocosBuilder file but now there’s another problem with json library

Information:(Unknown) In file included
…/…/…/…/…/…/…/…/cocos2d/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/DictionaryHelper.h:28:27: fatal error: json/document.h: No such file or directory
#include “json/document.h”

That’s what I receive from Android Studio, I saw some of the external folders like external bullet and it have his own CMakeList while Json doesn’t have it, I guess that’s where is the mistake

Yep, it may be the problem. But how did you find the problem? I can use Android Studio to compile cpp-tests.

It was my mistake I spend a lot of time working in this, I guess the real problem was fixed when I update the android build tools. I love the Debug is amazing a good reason to leave eclipse, of course the Google libraries is another reason, the compiler for Android Studio is more well it requires to have more organize code.About Cocos studio I have a lot of problems so I have to write the GUIs and forget Cocos creator files, I think it was a good option because I didn’t make complex GUI.