Superpowered SDK - Fast Audio Engine

Has anyone looked into this?

While looking for a fast audio decoder and FFT I found Superpowered SDK. It is a full featured sound engine that is optimized for ARM processors.

I plan on using it in my game but also decided to share it here. I thought maybe it could be part of the new sound engine for cocos2d-x?? I quickly read the license and it says its free for ‘apps’, but they do want recognition (in appstore description and a hyperlink in game). The SDK is new and just trying to spread word so perhaps an alternate license could be worked out for use in a popular framework like cocos2d-x.

Anyways I just thought I’d mention it for someone more knowledgeable to look into. I think it’s focus on ARM performance would be appreciated by many, and it already has many features/effects missing from the cocos2d-x new audio engine.

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looks interesting, but I haven’t tried it. Although no support for Windows is kind of a blocker for us.

Looks interesting, it maybe worth us exploring it some more and putting it inside the Cocos Helper


The lack of Windows support is a bummer but I think we only need the optimized performance for iOS/android. Would it be reasonable to use SuperpoweredSDK only when deploying to iOS/android? Then use a Windows audio library with similar features for desktop development?

that is a valid option as well.

They way I see is that cocos2d should expose its own Audio API, and internally it could use different backends. fmod could be one backend, superpowered could be another one, etc…

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I like the idea of cocos2d using its own Audio API, it keeps things simple. But I think the cocos2d API will be limited, some backends will support more features than others so the API will end up being a set of common features. This seems reasonable, but if I want to use a feature specific to one backend, would I be able to do this through cocos2d, or would I have to package and include the backend myself?

I’m not sure if Cocos Helper would be the best place for SuperpoweredSDK, but I definitely think making one of your video tutorials showing how to set it up would be valuable.

It looks good either way and something we would like to have a go at.

They idea of having a cocos2d abstraction for sound/music, is because we assure the user that by using our API it will work on all our supported platforms.

If you want access the API directly, you are on your own. Same thing as OpenGL… we give users OpenGL abstractions, like Sprite and others… if you want render the Sprite with you own GL code, you can do that, but we cannot guaranty that it will work on all the cocos2d-x supported platforms.

I have created a wrapper for the Superpowered Audio SDK that can be accessed from Cocos2d-x using C++, called SuperAudio. It adds no functionality beyond that which is already available from AudioEngine, but you can use it as a starting-point for adding new features available in the Superpowered SDK. It’s available here. It includes comprehensive installation instructions for Cocos2d-x 3.17, which can take an hour or so to complete.

Note that Superpowered now also runs on Windows, but I haven’t extended this wrapper to run in the Windows environment – only for iOS, Mac and Android.

Do note that Superpowered’s licence terms have changed since this thread started, so in some situations you now need a paid licence: