Strech Screen Size iphone cocos 3.17


I have streching screen problem, how is showed in the following screenshot:

I try modifying ResolutionPolicy, but not work.

glview->setDesignResolutionSize(designResolutionSize.width, designResolutionSize.height, ResolutionPolicy::NO_BORDER);

Thank for any advance to solve this issue.

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Is the screenshot from an iPhone X? Was the source updated from a version prior 3.17? What is the code for the background gradient image?

Hi mard3142,

Is the screenshot from an iPhone X?

No, i try in iphone 6, 6S and 8

Was the source updated from a version prior 3.17?

The project was created in 3.17

What is the code for the background gradient image?

auto layer1 = LayerGradient::create(Color4B::ORANGE,Color4B::WHITE);

this ->addChild(layer1);

Thanks for you help.