Strange Behavior of cocos-ide

I have created a game with cocos-ide
I have selected “portrait” and typed in custom resolution 720, 1280.

I also have change html file

and main.js

cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(720, 1280, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL);

and even config.json file

“init_cfg”: {
“isLandscape”: true,
“name”: “asdasdfsfasfasfd”,
“width”: 720,
“height”: 1280,
“entry”: “main.js”,

Well, once it displayed correctly then never correct again.

my device is Galaxy Play.

and yes. this is the only device that shows the strange behavior.

thnks :smiley:

When “isLandscape” is true, game would display as Landscape, never care width and height.

Thank you for the reply!

I have changed it to “false” but still no luck.

Could it be the problem of my device?

my device is this

have tried it on Galaxy 2,3,4 note 1,2,3 Optimus G, G pro, G2.

I had no problem.

But only galaxy player is behaving like this…

Any ideas?

Thank you.

Hi I’ve been having this problem as well. Even with “isLandscape”: false, the only way I can get app to display in portrait is to set a portrait type resolution in main.js
i.e cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(320, 533, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL);

While this works there IS something strange going on as the iOS simulator itself is presenting in landscape mode (I just select rotate right to make it look normal).


Same issue here.

The runtime source for iOS simulator might have wrong
device orientation flags in the “Info.plist” file.

Solution: You can build a custom iOS debug simulator from Cocos Code IDE. Setup your project to support native code and load the iOS Xcode project an set the orientation to either Portrait or Landscape. Then start building the simulator from Cocos IDE