Static batching and improved stats feature request

Hi guys,

Except from metal version which is on the way, is there a single thread we can check what other upcoming features are coming to cocos2d-x and request new?

For now I have the following suggestions:

  1. For displayed stats, is it possible that together with FPS, gl calls and verts we also get a “Saved by batching” similar to what is in Unity3D? Such stats would be extremely useful to have so we can check precisely how many we save, and easily understand if something broke.
  2. Static Batching: This is a feature that is supported in Unity. If i understand correctly, you can mark certain objects as static and although not sharing same properties they are grouped together as one texture therefore minimizing gl calls.
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@kerryk We use GitHub for all of this. If you create GitHub issues with your ideas our engineering team will review and add to our future milestones.