Sqlite3 for Windows Phone 8 game

Hi, guys!
I have used sqlite3 as DB to develop a game, this game works perfect for Android and IOS,
But when i move this game to wp8 ,i found a error with sqlite3.c as below:

Error 1 error D8048: cannot compile C file ‘…\Classes\sqlite3.c’ with the /ZW option

Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks!

P/S: Sorry, I duplicated this thread because it’s not resolved yet. How to use Sqlite3 for Windows Phone 8 game

one way to solve this would be to statically link sqlite3.

I also know that WINRT has a special SQLite version. I’m not sure if WP8 does. I also recall that VS 2012 had its own SQLite extension that was available when you created a new Reference. Try goggling for DSQLITE_OS_WINRT also, it might pop up something.

I tried a quick Google search to see and I came up with this also: http://wp.qmatteoq.com/working-with-sqlite-in-windows-phone-8-a-sqlite-net-version-for-mobile/

I hope it all helps you get on the right track,

I’ll cross-post this in the other topic as well.

Hi slackmoehrle,

I had tried to link sqlite3 statically before but got other problems. Maybe it missed something.

Sqlite net version for window 8 sounds a good way to follow up. I’m trying that way as your suggest. Thanks for your help. It helps me a lot.