Spine Skeleton does not drawing inside scrollView

Hi everyone.
I have a listview that displays a lot of item , I use recycle solution (an item will be pushed to the pool if it is outside of content rect ). And every item I have a skeleton. It works fine at start and event when I scroll listview by myself ( touch move), but when I use auto-scrolling ( this.scrollView.scrollToOffset(anchor, time), suddenly the skeleton disappears. I use cocos creator v3.5.0
Anyone who has experience with this issues, please help me.
Thank you.

I’m not working in the Cocos Creator team, but the best way to report bugs or suggest features I think is to create a Github issue/feature request

Fill in all the fields carefully, provide as much information as possible and provide them with a demo.zip. This way the developers can understand and replicate your issue without problems, track the issue and resolve it for you in future versions of Cocos Creator.

Based on your suggestion, I have created a Github request. Let us when they will answer my question.

I can’t see it listed? Are you sure you did it correctly?

Thank for your reply, i resolved it by myself. I rely on that if I add a list view to the node that has z position, I have a problem with the skeleton. I think spine runtime has wrong transformation.

Okey good :slight_smile: Add it as a solution to this post :+1: