SPINE asset error: "Slot not found: name"

Hi guys, i’m having trouble when trying to import SPINE data (atlas + json + png file) into Cocos Creator (v1.9.3). The message “Error: Slot not found: name” keeps showing up like the picture below.

I’ve tried many options when exporting animation skeleton from SPINE (the latest version), none of which worked.

I came across this error as well. I think the new spine version changed the structure of the JSON output and the Cocos engine didn’t adapt to this right now.
You could either try and change the engines code or you switch back your Spine version.

Yea my team just figured this out as well yesterday. Problem is solved by switching back to SPINE older version (v3.6.53) and export from there.
Had to redo the animation though :frowning: Good things SPINE gives you the options to change version quickly.
Anw thanks for the reply!

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