[solved] How can I bind C++ features to Lua on Android with CodeIDE?

Is there any way to bind C++ features to Lua on Android with CodeIDE ?

I had developed an iOS project using cocos2d-x with Lua.
Then, I used Xcode to create IPA file.
I could use C++ features on Lua with using genbindings.py.

Now, I am developing an Android project using cocos2d-x with Lua.
And I want to use CodeIDE to export APK file.
I could succeed making APK file using CodeIDE.
But, C++ features couldn’t be run on Android.

I’m looking for informations about it, but I haven’t found.
I am looking forward to your helps.

You need to add the C++ Files to the android.,mk

You also need to create lua bindings (but I think you already know that because you have used it for ios)

I never did it myself but I know thats the stuff what you should do.

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Thank you for replying to my post.

I could find a lot of “Android.mk” files in CodeIDE project.
I think the “Android.mk” which is in “/frameworks/cocos2d-x/cocos/” should be edited.
I edited it but I couldn’t bind.
Are there other reasons ?

You need to edit the android.mk which is located in your proj.android/jni folder.

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Thank you so much!
I could succeed with its way.