Solid Physics Body


We’re developing a platformer and there seems to be an issue related to built-in physics. Bodies can pierce each other when the player jumps or moves along.

The value used for density, restitution and friction is 0 when creating a new body, for example:

self.body_ = cc.PhysicsBody:createBox(cc.size(14.0, 25.0),
    cc.PhysicsMaterial(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), cc.p(0.0, -2.0))

This is what happens when making the object to collide from above.

How can we avoid one body to break through another?

The above only happens when there is a high amount of speed, when values are lower the player still pierces a small amout of the surface and then bounces back to the top of the bounding box.