Skeletal animation can't bring sprite to front "CocosStudio 2.3.2Beta"

after drag and drop images into skeletal animation node, some image need to be in front, but can’t change it to front by move sprite node. i hope this issue will be fixed soon.

Did you solve this problem? I just encountered this today and wish to help those with similar issues, so created an account just for this.

To change the order, just create a dummy bone, attach all the images, then unbind them one by one in order that you wish to have. First unbound will be at the bottom.

A stupid solution, I know, but I guess that is the only way until we have a proper send-to-back bring-to-front buttons in cocostudio. Hope this helps.

i solve this issue by binding each image to a bone than set value of render layer of bone in order

its is a problem in cocos2d-x , in the old version, there is a SetGlobalZOrder to solve this. But, Global may cause some render or multi camara problems。
the skins in Skeletal Animation implements from node 's tree struct, and use the same recursive visit, BoneNode’s visit has been overrided, so the we can only use bone to changed the render order of skins.
the good points is we can use any Nodes expcepts BoneNode as a Skin.

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