[Share] Cocos2d-x SVGSprite

Support cocos2d-x display SVG as sprite or path

ref: NanoSVG ( https://github.com/memononen/nanosvg )

For now it turn SVG to PNG data and create Texture2D from it. So image will break if scale.
Next thing i will add SVGImage to display fully SVG. ( already have but bug )

Add source code to your Class folder or anywhere


#include "SVGSprite.h"


SVGSprite* testSVG = SVGSprite::create("tiger.svg", 0.5f);

Link: https://github.com/namkazt/CocosSVGSprite


this is definitely nice feature for the engine, thanks for sharing, looking forward for features. :+1:

I know this is a very old thread. Trying my luck to see if there is any update. SVGSprite is great work. I’ve used this in the mac version of my cocos2d-x app. However, I can’t get to compile this for iOS as it complains about not being able to find glfw3.h. Any pointers?

Perhaps ask in the GitHub repo mentioned above? It isn’t an official Cocos repo.

Thank you. I managed to get it going. glfw3 isn’t really necessary after all :slight_smile:

glfw3.h does not support for ios
what can i do for it??

Thanks in advance

I commented out that include line and it worked. Have you tried that?