Shadow && cavity shader (CC 3.5.1)

Has anyone done this effect, and if so, could you give an example:

In CC it looks like this:

Thank you!


the Cavity of Shadow in Blender has 3 types to choose:

  • Screen
  • World
  • Both

it will add darkness among the seams of crossing faces to make the model looked much better.
In fact, it is equal to AO(Ambient Occlusion).

  • Screen means to use SSAO( screen space ambient occlusion)
  • World means to use world space ambient occlusion ( may implement by using ray-trace in blender)
  • Both means to use both of these two ways to enhance the detail of models.

I am so sorry to say that Cocos Creator doesn’t support both of them in v3.5.1.
If you want to get the visual as the same as in blender. For single model, there are two ways to archive it.

  1. Baking AO information to a separate texture/map, then assign it to PBR’s OCCLUSION MAP.

  2. Waiting for the release version of Cocos Creator 3.6 (which will be published soon in next month), a SSAO resolution will be uploaded to Cocos Store after it was released.

Notice: This way is not only suitable for single model ,but also perfect for complex scene constructed of many many models.

Thanks for your support. I hope it can help.